"What other people think of me is none of my business."
What a revolutionary concept this was the first time I heard it. So revolutionary, in fact, that I had a hard time believing it might be true. So much of my identity, how I felt about myself, my moods, all were dependent on what other people thought and said about me that it was almost impossible to disentangle myself.
As I began to recover in Al-Anon, I soon came to see that this was clearly my problem and actually didn't have anything at all to do with other people. What I was lacking was a clear sense of self, and I was responsible for either developing it or continuing to give it away. Recognizing it was up to me gave me the power to change it.
After much work, practice, and support, I have come to see the truth and freedom this quote offers. Today I take ownership of how I feel about myself, and I take actions based on a valid and worthwhile sense of self. Today I know that other people have ideas and opinions about me, but it's my own thoughts and opinions about me that matter most.
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Copyright @ 2015 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
My sponsor was getting harassed by his honesty. I said, "are you not bothered by getting picked on?" He said, " No! As long as they are picking on me, they are not picking on some other poor bastard."
"... unless this person can experience an entire psychic change there is very little hope of recovery." Dr. Silkworth. (Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Ed. p.xxix)