There was an interesting feature on 60 Minutes Sunday about Patrick Kennedy and his book, "A Common Struggle." Alcoholism has hit the Kennedy family pretty hard, it seems. Patrick, who is now in recovery, attendz 12-step meetings daily and is working to promote the importance of better awarenwww of and treatment for those who suffer from addiction.
Yes, thanks Pickle for the post, I must view this later ...
H1, unless there is a good reason for others to know your last name, you need not give it ... ergo 'anonymous' ... however, in my years in the AA program, there have been the odd occasions where not knowing a person's last name has presented a problem ... I went to see 2 members of our group, a few years ago and on separate occasions, in the hospital and did not know their last names ... hospitals cannot help you if you only come in and say, what room is 'John' in ... and on another occasion, I went to a funeral home and had to go to each room before I found who I came to pay respects to ... only because we aren't required to give our last names ...
I have found when we have what we call a 'home group', that over time, keeping our last name anonymous becomes not so important and many of us come to know the last names because we become as family ...
Hope this helps ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Thanks for posting, Tanin. I am always confused when people, especially well known ones are on t.v., write books, etc. Is this promoting AA? Where does the anonymity and press which we hear about come into this? Can you help clear me up on this?
Personally, I think when someone is about to carry the message to other alcoholics if it saves lives it is a good thing.
Patrick Kennedy doesn't seem to be promoting AA in the episode script. (I did not see the broadcast.) He is promoting better awareness and treatment for those suffering from mental illness and addiction. His message includes the notion that such sufferers still are stigmatized, unnecessarily. And that this stigmatization impedes broadly more effective treatments.
AA members should remain personally anonymous to press, when discussing AA. In this case, it's pretty impossible for Kennedy to be anonymous. So he should just avoid stating his membership in AA or in NA.
People who are members of AA can talk non-anonymously to the press or be on the radio or in films. They just shouldn't talk about AA or their membership.
Some AA members have intentionally violated the Traditions by identifying themselves and talking and writing AA content. The Roger Ebert case is instructive in this regard.
Dr Bob wrote something on this along the lines of "we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press radio, tv and films etc. But to maintain it at any other level is just as much a breach of this tradition."
Meaning we are not meant to be anonymous to each other, probably for the very good reasons Pappy stated. The other principle of anonymity (personalities etc) means in AA we are all equal spiritually. We check our wordly occupations at the door. In AA we are just alcoholics. No film stars, no fame, no cult of celebrity, no big shots. Thes two traditions help us stay grounded.
I have stumbled across AA related blogs and other sites where people use their whole names and a pic and it always surprises me. I've heard that stuff stays on the internet forever and worry about them regretting it later on.
Many, probably most, AA members who participate in online activities regarding AA and/or membership therein are not aware of the impact of their behaior in a public medium.As a result, unaware members end up breaking their anonymity or, sometimes, the anonymity of others. The violations of AA principles are varied. For example, posting of last names or pictures of ourselves on public sites is a no-no according to Tradition 11. But people do it across the Net, including here. Frequently.
There is guidance available from AA. Consult the following:
AA Guidelines--Internet
Understanding Anonymity pamphlet
Frequently Asked Questions About A.A. Web Sites
AA Grapevine, October 2010 issue
Reading any of these resources will explain the suggested do's and don'ts and the rationales for them.
For some members and some sites, the problem is not lack of awareness of the guidance. It is stubborn laxity or even defiance. I recall bringing up the issue of anonymity breaches (intentional or inadvertent) here at MIP with one of the main moderators. This very senior person didn't think there was a "problem." Even though there obviously is. Especially for newcomers who can't be expected to know and practice AA principles of anonymity around here. One would think we could help them, say, by telling them, upon registration, not to post real names in their profiles, particularly with location and DOB info. Most of these people will live to regret such actions.
... The other principle of anonymity (personalities etc) means in AA we are all equal spiritually. We check our wordly occupations at the door. In AA we are just alcoholics. No film stars, no fame, no cult of celebrity, no big shots. Thes two traditions help us stay grounded.
Very true. We must always be equal in our fellowship and within the context of the actual AA program. No one of us is a priest, a bishop, a sergeant or a general.
There is no hierarchy in AA.
Can you imagine what AA would be like if it included ranks in the membership? LOL!