I am grateful, humbled, satisfied, relieved and amazed. I thank God, AA, and all its members because there is no way I could have stayed sober by myself.
Man, that thing looks like some kind of Martian sex toy. Ain't there some movie out right now about Martian astronauts? Maybe Matt Damon used it in the movie. Or behind the scenes.
Hey H1, I'm thrilled to hear you're feeling much better ... and that laughter is a part of that ...
Once in a long while, I get into a sandwich mood ... last nite, AND the nite before, I had 3 of those small mini pickles with my sandwich ... I happen to like "Mt. Olive Baby Kosher Dills" ... SOooo, thank you Pickle for the 'piss' cartoon ... NOW I gotta try and get THAT outta my head ...
AND, the first thing I thought of when I saw Dave's post was, here it comes, that looks like a toy for the fairer sex, LOL ... and I wondered if it had a 'vibrate' mode ??? ... so ... Baba isn't the only dirty mind at work here ... (and here I sit with a body full of cancer fighting hormones that render me totally unable to get a rise out of Mr. Happy ...) (otherwise, I feel pretty darn good) ...
then I listen to the pickle thingy yodel ... hummmm ... is this what my sober life has come to ????? ... I may just need to go back to drink'n ...
Just kidding ... I think this is an exceptionally cool posting ... man, ya just never know where our conversations will wind up at on this board ... GREAT, ain't it ????? ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I am actually a proud owner of one of those yodeling pickles. And yup, it sounds just like the one in the Youtube video. It's quite a lengthy melody, and it's remarkably loud!!
I noticed one of the comments under the Youtube video warning people that there have been cases where the yodeling pickle can start randomly yodeling in the middle of the night.
Mine has not done so, thank God. That would scare the crap out of me.
Oh, and Dave? ... not sure I would have admitted having one of those yodeling pickles ... I think that's nearly as bad as having a singing Bass on the wall, that wiggles as it sings, LOL ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I always wondered why, Tanin, do you have a pickle for your avatar? Does it have something to do with the analogy that when we're drinking, we're so full of alcohol, that we may as well be pickled? Just curious.
I always wondered why, Tanin, do you have a pickle for your avatar? Does it have something to do with the analogy that when we're drinking, we're so full of alcohol, that we may as well be pickled? Just curious.
It's just a symbolic reference to the adage in AA that once you cross the line into alcoholism, you cannot go back. You can't go back to being a non-alcoholic. Just as a pickle cannot go back to being a cucumber.
So, we should not wish fondly to go back to some pre-alcoholic state where are lives were manageble, even fun. Too late. Tag, you're it.
Yes, you're 100 % correct about that. Once you've got it in you, your brain won't ever go back. It's the same with drugs, cigarettes, caffeine. Once it's in you, no matter how long you abstain, even if you abstained for 40 years, your brain remembers. And one drink is all it takes to re-activate it. It lies dormant, but it will always be there. It's the price we pay for our overindulgence. Now, we can't drink at all. It's ok, though. I don't want to drink anymore.
You know H1, ... being an alcoholic in AA doesn't mean we have to become 'doormats' ...
We need not tolerate those who, for whatever reason, feel the need to put us down and walk all over us ... whether they are part of AA or not ... we deserve to respect ourselves and seek to make the next 'right' decision for our own well-being ... sometimes that involves helping others and sometimes it is helping ourselves ... well-meaning people get pissed on all the time, so you're not the only one that gets royally P.O.'d when things like this 'go south' ... ... ... this is where turning things over to the Big Guy comes into play ... PLUS, praying for the offender too ... ... ... then you can feel great about yourself, knowing that YOU'VE done the RIGHT thing ...
Nobody can force us to drink ... and no one can force us to be sober ... it's a choice ... TODAY, I choose not to drink ... cause for me, through the practice of our AA program and the grace of God, the desire to drink has been removed ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
H1, from what you've said about your slip, it seems like some of the people in your AA room got under your skin. And you had to turn to alcohol to deal with it. You need to either not let people get under your skin, or, if you can't, then you need to stay away from those people.
Some might say I don't know wtf I'm talking about when I say this, but I'm gonna say it anyway, and, maybe, if I'm wrong, somebody can convince me of it. Here goes: AA rooms are there to help people with their program, and stay sober. If you're going to meetings, and the people there cause you so much grief, that you have to drink, then, you need to find a different group. But, personally, I think you're over-doing it. I think you go to too many meetings. And when you become such a regular, other people get involved with your personal life. Drama. It becomes a way of life, for some people, that's a good thing, because they take what they need, and leave the rest behind. For others, it becomes a way of life in a bad way. There's a lot of sick people in AA meetings. A lot of them haven't worked out their issues yet. When you start sharing details of your personal life with people who are unstable, there's bound to be trouble.
I think meetings should be used as a tool, not become an everyday way of life. Maybe in the beginning of sobriety, do the 90 in 90 thing, but after so many years, the meetings should just be something to re-affirm your commitment to staying sober, and to show newcomers that it works.
H1, you've got the Big Book, and you've got this forum. You can, (and do) come here every day to talk about alcoholism, and nobody is going to meddle in your personal life (except when it comes to staying sober, but, that's kind of the point of this forum, to discuss our alcohol problems). I would cut the F2F meetings down to once or twice a week. Put a little distance between you, and some of those people who poke at you, throw stones, and get under your skin to make themselves feel better.
Everybody is different, though, and I guess some people go to meetings every day to stay sober. Whatever works, works. I could be wrong about this. I'm sure somebody will let me know if I am.
we love you here, H1. You contribute some great thoughts and examples and stories and a lot of knowledge and experience. And you make some great jokes and lighthearted comments, and make us laugh. Hopefully, none of us get under your skin. (Not too much, anyway).