My greatest achievement was my relationship with the young son of a good friend. -- Maria Regnier Krimmel
Maria was a world renowned silversmith. Because she is female, this was considered an even greater achievement, and yet she considered a particular relationship with a youngster to have been more important than having her work owned by famous people and on display in the finest museums. How do we judge the relationships in our lives? Have they mattered as much to us as our careers or our hobbies?
Naturally, we each have to answer that question for ourselves. For some of us, relationships were often difficult, whether at work or in the family. Some of us sought intimacy with others but failed to achieve it due to forces beyond our control. Our experiences are as different as are our personalities. But we're not too old to forge better relationships with others if that's our desire.
How do we determine if it's a relationship that we long for? Monitoring one's feelings and thoughts will offer clues. Are we lonely? Are we feeling sorry for ourselves? Do we seem to be always "waiting" for something or someone else to change our lives? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, let's reach out to someone today. Offering friendship is the only way a relationship can begin. If we want one, we must do our part.
How I spend today will be my decision. If I want to share it with someone else, I'd better make the first move.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'