We are where we are for a reason. As long as that reason remains, we remain where we are. If we aren't where we think we should be, working the program will help us get to where our deepest self longs to be. This is growth.
And growth is work. We must be willing to do the simple things that our new understanding asks of us. We are never given more than we can handle, and the loving help we need along the way is always available. But we never get this help in advance, only as we need it.
Am I seeking growth?
Higher Power, help me want to grow and be willing to do the simple things, day by day, that add up to big changes.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Maybe that's why I haven't won the lottery. I probably couldn't handle it. But I think God should give me a chance to prove myself. ("Come on, God, give me a shot!")
I don't even play the lottery but every once in a while, like when the jackpot gets real big.
To put your odds of winning into perspective: line up $1 bills, back to back, placing them all along the entire coastline of the U.S. (Making an outline of both coasts, east and west.) Now, walk along the coasts, and you get to pick 1 one-dollar bill. If you pick the correct one, you win the $100,000,000 lottery.
That's what your chances of winning are. About the same chances anybody gave me to quit drinking. So, I guess there's always hope.