Got this card at my "Home Group" for my 29th Sober anniversary.
Yes folks Aug 11 , I was 29 yrs sober . 1 Day at a time . Thanks to my F2F Groups.
More importantly . Thank You . my MiP Group . As I check this out Everyday.
whereas I can only do 2 to maybe 3 meetings a week.
@ 37 I was too young & good looking to be an alkie.
still too young , still got th good looks. still n alkie.
First, deal with the things that might kill you.
Congrats to you for 29 big ones ... (I'm working on 8, LOL) ... but today is all that matters, right??? ... Thanks for the inspiration you so freely give,God Bless,Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Wow. Think about all the problems you've avoided for 29 years.
29 years of happiness
29 years of gratefulness
29 years of all the money you saved
29 years of all the new friends you've made
29 years, one day at a time
29 years, will someday be mine
awesome. Next year is the big three-oh