Before recovery, I had a hard time staying in the present. Without permission my mind would race into the future where it was quickly mired in anxiety and the dread of "What's going to happen then?" What I didn't realize was that I was using drugs and alcohol because they brought me back to the now, and in the present everything was (and always is) OK.
But then they stopped working and what a dark time in my life that was. Without the immediate ability to be present, my mind galloped into the future like a pack of wild horses. At times it was all I could do to hang on, but over time I learned new ways to get present and, as one speaker said, to "Be where your feet are."
What I've learned over the years is that my serenity today is directly related to how much time I spend in the now. Oh sure I have to plan ahead, but I've learned that after I do, its important to put the tool of my mind down and return to the present. And once I'm back here, right now, I'm once again safe and free from worry.
I now understand that anxiety is the difference between now and then.
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Copyright @ 2015 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'