Huh, ... this did not copy directly as shown? ... and it had to be reviewed by a moderator before it could be posted here ... so it's a few days old ...
That day it was 103.1 degrees F and the 'feels like' was 112 or something ... ... ... ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Why did the post have to be approved by a moderator?? New rules or something?
Speaking of moderators, what's the status of that situation? Two mods left about the same time...and StpeteDean needed to leave too, because of work demands. John called for new mods and 3 new ones were nominated (JerryF, Pythonpappy and justadrunk). But that was 5 months ago and the nominations were never implemented, apparently.
Wow Pappy! Now that's hot!!! Hope you are staying in as much as possible during this heat wave. It has been hot here as well with some days reaching 100 degrees.
Speaking of moderators--I am grateful for whoever is willing to spend time doing it. I imagine it is a huge commitment of time. I am grateful to John for starting this board and giving this alcoholic and others such a wonderful support system. I got on it when I was a newbie and in my second month of sobriety and it really helped keep me sober especially before I became willing to get a Sponsor and work the Steps.
Back in the "old" days, before internet, alcoholics had to rely mainly on the meetings. I come from a small town and there is only a meeting a week and some towns I hear don't have any meetings at all. Thank God for this and other sobriety sites that help save alcoholics.
Hey Pickle, ... ??? ... I ain't sure about the 'approval process' for the post I submitted, other than John's program must have detected it was not subject appropriate and therefore needed to be reviewed ??? ... ... ... I was just in from the heat that day and wanted to complain, LOL ... to anybody that would listen ...
Personally, with all the medical issues I have, I didn't feel I could serve this board on a continual basis and it needed more attention than I may have been able to provide ... So, I did not offer to take the position ...
hopefulone, ... yes, it's easy to approach heat exhaustion at these temps ... We all should be careful ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'