Attend an AA meeting today. To find one in your area:
This is the single most important thing that I have ever done which has helped me stay sober.
There is nothing to be afraid of. The meetings are filled with people who like you, are new and ones who have been where you are now. We support and help one another. You will be warmly welcomed. I feel more love, more cared about than I ever have by attending AA meetings. Try and focus on what other people, who have been able to stay sober, are sharing. Don't be surprised when you hear much of your own story from what some others share. I sure did and I found it comforting. It wasn't long before I felt like I belonged. I no longer felt as different from the rest of the world. Before long, my shame and guilt subsided.
Get a Where and When book when you are there and try and get some numbers of other women, if you are a gal, other men if you are a guy. When you are by yourself you can call one of the people to talk to if you are thinking about drinking. They care about you and want to help you.
It is suggested to attend 90 meetings in 90 days when you first quit drinking. Although at first I thought I could not take the time to do that many meetings. I did it anyway because I realized I spent hours and hours every day drinking, I could make at least one meeting a day.
-- Edited by hopefulone on Friday 12th of June 2015 09:14:40 AM
^^^^^^ This, is how it works, 90 in 90 (really it was 1000 in 1000 days) got me and kept me sober, along with a great old timer sponsor and working the steps.
The "Fellowship" was very important as I had to abandon most of my "friends" as they were heavy drinkers and of course were in denial about my drinking. Making new
friends in AA (most of whom I still have today) was key in learning how to do everything again, without having to drink while doing it. At first I thought that this was a death sentence, but in reality i was given a new life, a wonderful life, a life that exceeded all previous expectation, for which I am eternally grateful.
I also wanted to share about a great book which my sponsor gave me early in sobriety....."Living Sober". This AA approved 90 pg. book has lots of tips and suggestions about staying sober. Besides the BB it really helped me. It is easy to read, has short chapters, which you can look up. I am a fairly slow reader and especially early in sobriety when I felt like I was beat like a pulp, didn't want anything too daunting. This was perfect! Some of my AA groups have them available (very reasonably priced) and you can get it online. I passed on my copy to a newcomer not long ago and she shared that it has really helped her and I have heard others in AA say the same thing.
Yep I had to abandon lots of people and I'm still getting rid of a few that belong to a drinking mentality past. Can't do that any more and I'm glad about that.