"Try praying. Nothing pleases God more than hearing a strange voice."
This quote hit me on several levels. First, it reminded me of how often I forget to use one of the most powerful tools in my spiritual toolkit - prayer. I was taught early on that praying is simply talking to God, and my repeated experience is that it works in so many ways. Each time I use it, I receive the peace, guidance, and strength I need to live life with grace and serenity.
This quote also reminds me that no matter how long it has been since I reached out to God, He is always waiting and happy to hear from me. I remember I learned this lesson early on in my recovery when I was angry with God and was guilty as I blamed and cursed Him. My sponsor told me that it didn't matter what I said to God - He was big enough to handle it - the important thing was that I was finally talking to God.
What this taught me is that Gods love for me is unconditional. Knowing this enabled me to develop an open and honest dialogue that led to a loving and trusted relationship with my Higher Power. I grow and benefit from this relationship each time I remember to pray, and this quote reminds me that no matter how long it has been, God is always ready and happy to hear from me.
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Copyright @ 2015 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'