There was a great bar at the Panama Canal Yacht ClubI would drink ginger ale with my friend Scott and other sailors while watching football and baseball. Scott was a good sociable guy but he is now in prison for trying to smuggle one ton of cocaine in his boat into Canada..
There was this other acquaintanceHe always talked about his dog He was worried the dog was not well and he would take him regularly to an expensive vet in PanamaHes now doing time in a prison in Australia caught smuggling drugs..
Lisa was rather a rather beautiful classy Columbian gal who was trying to seduce me into running drugs out of Columbia.. All the gals in Columbia are beautiful.. I told Lisa to kiss off.
The point is these traffickers are just like you and I ..but they have no ethics.. they just think about themselves and the big scoreas long as there is a demand for drugs. .there will always be suppliers making tons of money..
I just heard from a friend who sailed up to ThailandI thankfully was a wet head when I came into AA, never a pot head to speak of.. nor did I EVER condone drugs or even understand druggies..
He told me this story where In Thailandbabies go on the street for about $50.00 mostly from prostitudes on drugsmaybe they get a little powder thrown in..
The traffickers suffocate the babies..generally around 6 months old..stuff them with 3 keys of cocaine..give them back to women who they are transporting across boarders as laborers...the dead babies wrapped.
Economics is based on Supply and DemandAs far as Im concerned anyone who picks up is part of that equation and a baby killerthe only way to stop is to cut off the demand.. So if you are on this site and having problems with drugsyou might want to think about those six month old babiesyou helped kill them.. I dont think that was Gods intention just pure evil.
It's unfortunate the dealers have no morals and neither do the buyers. So many innocents pay the price. I can only send up prayers for the victims in these circumstances and I can "just say no". The morals of humankind is slipping farther down the toilet every day. So sad
The point is these traffickers are just like you and I ..but they have no ethics.. they just think about themselves and the big scoreas long as there is a demand for drugs. .there will always be suppliers making tons of money..
I just heard from a friend who sailed up to ThailandI thankfully was a wet head when I came into AA, never a pot head to speak of.. nor did I EVER condone drugs or even understand druggies..
He told me this story where In Thailandbabies go on the street for about $50.00 mostly from prostitudes on drugsmaybe they get a little powder thrown in..
The traffickers suffocate the babies..generally around 6 months old..stuff them with 3 keys of cocaine..give them back to women who they are transporting across boarders as laborers...the dead babies wrapped.
It's just a simple fact...drugs destroy people...first spiritually then physically...what gets me is the unthinkling people who think drugs are cool...or the rediculous term fly..these people are killers..Anyone who does drugs is a killer
Gotta accept it friend. Living people harm other living things when they do not realize that we are all part of one universe... together. We are not small and helpless. .. we are part of everything and each other. Negative thoughts harm self so all. We harm ourselves or others through polluting or wasting or drugging or stealing joy from the all of us.
We are not perfect.
Acceptance offers us clarity to see why we harm living things? Is it due to a belief that we are just hurting ourselves? That's impossible! Is it because we have given up on life and love? No... usually it is because we care so much the pain is unbearable. We can't see a way out from our mind that focuses only on sufferings.
But choices are available.
I couldn't see them before recovery. I lived without a choice.
Now I am so grateful for the choice to stop stealing serenity from self. No loving universe wishes that for me. Can I offer myself love compassion and so freedom today so I have it to show others? What is possible? The true self?
Well... you decide. Xxxxoxo
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Father Martin a spiritual mentor, known to me personally would say "If you want to move mountains bring a shovel"...
In AA I first learned that we share our strength, hope and EXPERIENCE to help others to stay sober. The exemplification of my experience not philosophical discourse, I would hope, as above, would appeal to one who is dealing with dual addiction...many on this site. We grow along spiritual lines...I would hope that the stark reality from my EXPERIENCE might be helpful. When I sobered I realized that I now, I was restored to sanity and had a choice 2nd step...I would hope that my words might help even one person in a moment of weakness not to pick up, not aid in harming others particularly the innocents. Early sobriety was a time of thinking about only self..growth was thinking about how to help others. by remaining clean, in short, we are helping the good guys...We become the good in our black hat for a new white hat...given to us by God.
Through prayer and meditation we become directed along the lines of helping where we can...Serenity is found in doing God's Will as I understand it...specifically in referencing the 12th step in my life.. Personally I have been given a considerable amount of personal experience sober...not to hoard it, but to give it away..that's what I think God intends for me..I've been well trained and endeavor to remain spiritually fit to perform more and to grow more..The gifts I have been given as a result have been considerable..not only serene but happy..All our problems resolve from fear and desire..We will never be free...but if you know the problem sure you can work on it.
The universe is saying to us..don't be afraid...Have faith and trust in a wisdom that you may not at first quite understand.