"When fear knocks on the door, and faith answers, no one is home."
When I was new to the program, I was taught that I could not be in fear and in faith at the same time. I was either living in fear, or I was living in faith. What recovery has taught me is that today I have a choice between the two. And today, I choose to live in faith.
In the Big Book, there is a simple line: "God is everything or He is nothing." And, again, this presents me with a choice - do I believe that my Higher Power will take care of me, or don't I? And the decision I make here leads to a path of either faith or fear.
By taking a third step each day, I am consciously choosing to turn my will and my life over to my Higher Power. I am choosing faith. Then, when fear comes knocking - as it always does - my faith answers the door and fear has nowhere to land. Living in faith gives me the freedom and the courage to live a life that is happy, joyous and free. A life the program promises, and a life I get the choice to live.
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Copyright @ 2015 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'