"Worrying is praying for things you don't want to happen."
I don't know where my tendency to worry came from - perhaps I learned it from my mother - but I'm sure good at it. Before the program I would worry and stress over most areas of my life and even if something good happened, my automatic thought was, "This isn't going to last." Little did I realize that my constant worry was in some way a request for more bad things to show up in my life.
The book, "The Secret" teaches that thoughts are things, and that what you think about most you attract into your life. It tells us that the law of attraction is neutral and that it responds to your deeply felt beliefs and desires - good or bad. In other words, you get what you pray for.
In the program I've learned that even praying for what I think I want (my will) can still get me into trouble. Today I've found a better way. Today I pray for the knowledge of God's will and the power to carry that out.
This not only removes worry from my life, but it also attracts the best outcomes for all concerned. This is my solution today.
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Copyright @ 2015 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'