The shy man usually finds that he has been shy without cause and that, in practice, no one takes the slightest notice of him. --Robert Lynd
We sometimes feel self-conscious in front of others. It may be that we've just gotten braces or a new haircut and we're afraid everyone will stare at us. We stop smiling and talk with our heads bowed. Many people have worn braces and many more will. We need not be ashamed just because we feel different. By beginning to smile again we will see how many people really didn't notice our braces, or our haircuts, or anything but what they see inside us.
All we need to do is lift our heads and smile. We will be amazed to find how little even our best friends notice about the externals, the things that don't really matter. Who we are is far more noticeable and far more important than what we look like. A smile at shy times helps us accept ourselves as others do.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
It's amazing how much more radiant people are when they are smiling :) I think there's something very deep and primal about someone with a huge smile that makes it hard not to smile back. It always makes me feel like that person has *something* figured out - even something tiny - and that makes me happy. Starting to heal from years of egomaniacal alcohol abuse has helped me understand how much joy there is in others' happy moments and positive attitudes. There was a time when I resented those people. Glad those days are in the past. Anyway, thanks for the share.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
THANK YOU for sharing exact how I feel as well Adam ... It seems in my past as if I took pleasure in having an excuse to be sad ... I find today, that I feel so much more wonderful when I see others taking pleasure in life ... so much so that I now wish to partake in that pleasure ... beats the hell out of being 'critical' of everything ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'