I heard an alcoholic described as an egomaniac with an inferiority complex..
It never dawned on me that that was a rather kind analysis...I didn't have an inferiority complex..I WAS simply just inferior... a gas bag of irrelevency
I mean when I got honest and analyzed myself I really accomplished didiley doo...I was useless and I couldn't BS myself..So of course I displayed what was called a complex..So I guess my consciousness only reflected what I was..
When I went about listening to God throught the last 3 steps..I started to perform worthwhile tasks..and that inferiority disappeared...Its all an inside job but you can't BS God or your higher self That's why humility is so important...It changes the rose colorwed glasses to clear lenses realistically seeing onself
My Sobriety is contingent on my Spiritual Well Being Just For Today
The trick is to realize everyone is essentially a nothing ..(LOL) God gives us power to do something useful and our higher conciousness knows that..It's an inside job..With a sense of humility we begin to get it..
The trick is to realize everyone is essentially a nothing ..(LOL) God gives us power to do something useful and our higher conciousness knows that..It's an inside job..With a sense of humility we begin to get it..
My thought is that everyone is a child of God (not a 'nothing') ... ... ... we may stray from 'the truth' but it is always there ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'