"After endless voting on a title for the new work we had decided to call it The Way Out. But inquiry by Fritz M., our Maryland alcoholic, at The Library of Congress disclosed the fact that 12 books already bore that title. Surely we couldn't make our book the 13th. So we named it Alcoholics Anonymous instead! Though we didn't know it, our movement then got its name -- a name which because of the implication of humility and modesty has given us our treasured spiritual principle of anonymity."
Consider this ... ... ... In the big Big Book, we're taught that 'giving' (to others) is building up treasures in heaven ... BUT, to give and seek reward from others by showing how much of a good person you are to your fellows, is worthless and accomplishes nothing ... ergo, 'giving' in anonymity, is where we build true character and worth ...
The title 'Alcoholics Anonymous' for our BB is noth'n short of perfect ... ... ... let our good works be done for the sake of helping another, not for gaining the approval and admiration of others ... for this will increase the spiritual bond we have with God, or your 'higher power' ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'