Did you watch 48 hrs last night? I was completely appalled that CBS, 48 hrs and Maureen Maher would present such a foul story about a woman who was killed by a man she met in AA. At the time of her death, she was under the influence of drugs and he was drinking. AA had nothing to do with it, yet they took this story and twisted it to be about AA to seeming promote a book one of their experts wrote and CBS published. If you want to watch it here is a link to it, but I ask that you go to 48 hrs Facebook page and respond to it as hundreds of others have. It disgust any one whose lives were saved as a result of their participation in the program.
It is available for viewing at http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/the-sober-truth-3/
Thanks for the link. I knew the special report was coming but did not watch it until just now.
My take is that the CBS report was reasonably balanced and informative. It certainly was worthwhile and justified to shed some light on some of the darker episodes of membership in AA and the problems of 13th stepping and absence of any efforts at the group or national levels to reasonably inform meeting attendees of the dangerous nature of some attendees who are allowed, encouraged and even ordered to go to AA meetings.
As we have discussed here before, sunlight is probably the best disinfectant for such problems.
I feel so sad for the Mendez family. They truly believe that their daughter would still be alive if she hadn't ever gone to AA. They just might be right.
It will be interesting to read AA's filing in court tomorrow. Very important. The "outside issues" talked about in the CBS report may soon be not so "outside."
I just watched about 1/2 of it ... I did not like AA being referred to ... "it's the same thing as going to a bar, only without the liquor" ... That, to me, tells me that this person knows little of what AA is or represents ... Do we have predators among us? ... yes ... so does the government and our churches ... is that what AA is about? ... of course not ... Do we warn new members about 13th stepping? ... we do when we see evidence of it ... and some groups warn new members to 'watchout' for such activity ...
Besides that, I agree with Pickle's post ... ... ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Silly ol society addicted to fear and drama. Nothing new. Nothing to fret about IMO. Life is messy and complicated where ever we go. We all wish it was perfect and have a lot of work to do on acceptance for what is. Seems that living even causes complications that lead to death 100% of the time! I'm trying to set all this 'shock' down and just accept what's in front of me. Some days go better than others. I was feeling that ol' familiar addiction to excitement rear up with the elections and doing the round and round in my head - blathering on and on... debating... trying to get others to see the light and have my opinion - forcing my opinion. Yuck - talk about emotional relapse. I caught it late but managed to walk into the vote box peaceful and with a smile of gratitude. In the grand scheme of life itself... my petty little disturbances are just minor inconveniences and privileged problems :) I am not the God of AA - or the government - or anyone anymore. Thanks in large part to my beginnings in AA... all the things I learned to do - and not to do. There is good example of both if I'm looking for learning and not drama and chaos. xoxoxooxoo
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.