Sometimes I feel like this is the core of my recovery. I feel like I am learning that it is impossible for me to be happy if I am not making others happy in the process - or, at the very least, contributing to others' happiness by being useful and helpful where possible. I was listening to a workshop recently in which the facilitator said that all human beings are inherently loving and God-like in disposition, and that all selfishness and self centeredness goes against our deepest nature, which is why it makes us miserable. If God is a benevolent force, whether it is in us or outside of us, it makes sense that being a good and selfless person would make us happier. Might be common sense, but it took me 30 years to begin scratching the surface!
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
Great post Adam, ... I've heard it said, and it has been written, that we were created in God's image ... wonder why I spent so many years ignoring that ??? ... I'm pretty sure it's because He gave us 'free will' to make our own decisions ... and I know for me, when I leave Him out of the picture, I fail at life miserably ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'