My name is Joe. I'd like to stop drinking. I've been doing it for awhile and can't seem to quite completely. I can quit for a couple of days but it seems like I always seem to drink. Guess I'm looking for support.
Welcome Joe! Sounds like the spot many of us have been in. There is a solution. Going to an AA meeting and listening to similarities is a good place to start. We're a Fellowship of people who stay sober and help another Alcoholic achieve sobriety. It's our primary purpose. Keep posting here and let us know how you're doing.
Welcome Joe, ... glad you're here ... there must be a reason ...
Unfortunately, many of us here wait to do something about our drink'n until desperate measures are necessary to get our lives back on track ... we wake up one day and King Alcohol starts call'n all the shots ... we find that some of us are unable to go all day without craving a drink ... we love the way it makes us feel, but hate what we do to ourselves and others when we let alcohol make our decisions ...
If you can relate in any way, stick around ... this is where the 'healing' begins ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Howdy Joe! I could never quit on my own either. It took some concentrated effort in AA and from there it turned into a deeply spiritual journey which allowed me to stay sober over a longer period of time. This board helped tremendously in terms of support, but I personally would not have been able to do it if not for face to face AA, my sponsor, and step work. Drinking was a powerful addiction. I had to take some powerful action to really get results. Just "quitting" on my own was impossible because nobody knew or would talk me out of relapses. I didn't make myself accountable to anyone in terms of my sobriety and I didn't replace the drinking habits with anything else. Just sitting around trying to do you normal thing except without drinking is too much. New sober activities with sober peers in AA got me through also.
Glad you are here! Keep us informed!
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
It all sounds very familiar. I was once in your same situation many years ago. But my life changed completely as the result of working the 12 Steps of A.A. I'm now a happy man who embraces life and can meet all its challenges without fear. You can have the same. There's plenty of reason to feel hopeful now. It would be a good idea to get to some A.A. meetings and find out more.
Aloha Joe and welcome to the board...and this family of recovering alcoholics. I've been dry and sober for a while now and can't remember just trying to quit. I got to the point where the first part of the first step became the most honest thing I could say to myself, "Admitted I was powerless over alcohol...". I've said "Uncle" to only two things in my life or maybe just one...the second time I screamed it and that was to this disease. When I was done then...I was done. I've never lost the compulsion to drink and with the help of this program always am able to say "No...I've had enough". Keep coming back to find our what will work for you.