Other people have to live in their own skin. I like to hand out consequences and then it sucks to live in my skin. I owe an amends to my realtor for doing this to her last week. Karma is also a b**ch when I am. She kicked my butt today. Could have been worse. Could be drunk.
Thanks for the ear xxxxo
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Sorry you had a rough day. Glad you're still sober and awesome! I have to sometimes fight the really awful compulsion to grin evilly at the thought of karma hurting someone who "deserves" it. It's crappy and I know it. When I step back and really look at the situation, I have to honor and acknowledge the reality that I cannot fully understand any situation from a cosmic standpoint. That jerk who cut me off in traffic and slowed me down may have prevented me from getting plowed into five minutes up the road. That rude cashier may need my patient smile to reassure them that not all people are petty and vindictive, and that they are loved. And sometimes we are probably just a minor role in someone else's major life lesson. Anyway, hope tomorrow brings better things.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton