Before recovery, hell often seemed like a destination rather than a passing part of the overall journey. Whenever I found myself in an insufferable situation, I easily convinced myself that this was my new lot in life and that it would never get better. Rather than try to figure ways out of it, I often wallowed in self-pity and waited for things to get worse.
When I started working with my sponsor, I argued and debated and tried hard to convince him that I was different, and that I could never recover. After listening to me for weeks, he asked if I was willing to try a different way. "But it won't work" I whined. "Are you at least willing to try?" He repeated. When I finally said yes, my life began to change.
The freedom and recovery I have found through working the steps has shown me the way out of the hell I used to put myself through. Today I look for solutions to situations that used to baffle me, and I have learned through experience that 'This, too, shall pass'. Today I stay focused on the next indicated action and look for ways to move through times that seem unbearable.
Today I know that when I'm going through hell, it's important that I keep going!
Please Pass it On!
Copyright @ 2014 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'