I remember when you first came here....I think it was you....Tasha and you and I had a meeting...Well we talked in the chat room...Was that you? Anyway.....You've come a long way. You sound like you are ready to do this deal this time....And that's a beautiful thing to watch. Congrats on one month buddy....Keep moving forward.
I believe so! Early interactions with you, Tasha, Pappy, and Col were instrumental to my steps forward. Problem was, I didn't really learn until recently the foundations of my alcohol abuse. Early on, I still thought it was more about the booze and less about me. I still thought that I could recover with willpower. Since going to meetings nonstop and really delving into the literature, I'm learning quickly that none of that was true. I wasn't letting go and turning things over. And now I am.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
You do seem different now Adam, in a good way ... for some of us, me for one, alcohol had to beat me to a pulp before I would become 'willing' to admit, I needed help ... tried for years to do it on my own, and I failed miserably ... (course I knew I was smarter than your average Joe, LOL ... ... ... 'wrong')
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Well, this forum has been an invaluable asset. The entire journey so far, since the first day I decided that I needed to seek out some kind of help and created a screen name because I didn't know what else to do, the conversations and words of encouragement have kept me coming back. I kept coming back through long and short sober spells, right after a major relapse, and during everything in between. About a month ago something really clicked in my brain regarding the spiritual component of all of this - and the need to really embrace the full program package. I guess that's why it feels different now. The past month has NOT been one of half measures, but of really pushing through. And the support means the world.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton