I wanted to briefly introduce myself here. I am a 41 year old mother of two, married 13 years. I have been drinking heavily for at least 15 years. I received my first DUI this past June under highly upsetting circumstances. As a result of that emotional blow, I attempted suicide and ended up in the hospital on the behavioral health unit and subsequently at rehab for 26 days. I attempted AA back in September after losing a very good job, but I realize now that I wasn't ready for it and did not find a sponsor that I could relate to on a level that could have helped me at that time and in my frame of mind. I relapsed after 3 months due to many triggers that I was unaware of at that time and not sticking with AA. My drinking undulated for the next six months, equal amount of drinking days to abstaining.
Rehab was completely beneficial, and it was literally the best experience of my life, which it saved. I am 47 days sober, 2+ weeks into my 90/90 and am meeting with whom I hope will become my sponsor this week to discuss my current situation. I am also attending 9 hours of IOP a week, which for me, is not what I had expected, hoping it would be an extension of the way rehab was run, but not in any sense. However, I am trying to make the best of it.
I find prayer, giving my will over to God, and talking/listening to others has been key for me. I definitely feel now that I have to start working the steps because my pink cloud is fading. I embrace the challenge and look forward to the experience.
I am very grateful for having found this site and hope to learn from others here and share as well.
Hi Leah, and welcome! Congrats on your 47 days, that is fantastic. This is a great site, and you'll find a lot of good info and advice by posting and also by poking around in old topics. Glad you're here.
Congrats on 47 days, that is great! 90 in 90 should be helpful, work the steps, and keep your gratitude levels high. Sounds like you're seeking a higher power, so you're doing the right things.
Welcome to MIP Leah....From your post it sounds like you have a pretty good handle on the first three steps. Are you reading the Big Book? That contains the directions for the 12 steps in the first 103 pages. That is how we recover. I think being ready is a major part of finding the willingness needed. They call that the gift of desperation. Alcohol brought me to my knees....It cost me everything....Almost my life. I was given that gift. I was willing to go to any length. I'm glad you are here. We do get better....But we have to work for it. It's life changing.
Welcome Leah! Glad to have you here with us. Sounds like you have a solid beginning to recovery. It's time to change, change for the better. Change occurs by completing the 12 Steps and having a Spiritual Awakening. Glad to see you'll be starting that process soon.
Welcome Leah! Glad you are really surrendering this time. I found this site when I had 60some days sober. I had just gotten a "pink chip" to denote that 60 days in a beginners meeting. I now have 2114 days sober :) AA saved my life, then taught me how to enjoy my life.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Welcome to MIP Leah, ... glad you found us ... congrats on what I hope is day 48 sober ... when I did my 90/90, I got so dependent on the meetings, I did about 700 in 700 before I felt confident in my recovery ... at least enough to just go to my 'home group' meetings ... and like you mentioned, prayer was 'KEY' for me to continue to progress in this program ... and I've learned it should always be done exactly as suggested in the BB ... ... ...
Glad your here, love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Thank you all for you kind words of welcome! I appreciate everyone's input. I am reading the BB, and 12/12. I finally asked a women that I met in September during my first attempt at sobriety to be my sponsor and she gave me a laundry list of homework assignments! I am thrilled with this because I need that structure and accountability!
I applaud all of you for your successes in sobriety and look forward to "chatting! :)
We're all glad you're here with us. I know that you'll get a lot of good out of this MIP board because all the people here are very good and very helpful. Sounds like you're on a good track, and you have a willing attitude towards working this Program. That makes a huge difference. Honesty, openness, and willingness are the three main ingredients to success in recovery. Happiness is only 12 Steps away. It's a journey you won't regret taking. God's with you all the way...and so are we.
I was going to say the exact same thing Mike D. You can see the willingness in her post. It's all about action Leah....Sounds to me like you are taking it. I'm glad you are with us.
You're doing well. You're so much further along than most people at your stage of sobriety. I didn't go "all in" until I was several months in and the 7th Step made me realize how much work I had to do and also made me feel like I finally had something worth praying about (all those characters defects). You realize this is a program of action requiring daily maintenance. Keep it up.