When I was new, I was constantly looking for a way out. I listened for the parts of your stories that didn't match up with mine, and knew you needed the program but that I didn't. When my sponsor suggested I go to a meeting a day, I knew my schedule and other commitments would never allow me to do that. When I saw the word 'God', I was finally convinced none of this was right for me.
The next time I saw my sponsor, I told him that the program worked for some people, but that it just wasn't going to work for me. He asked me how many days I had, and I told almost 30. He suggested that something was working for me, and said I might want to focus on that and start looking for a way in rather than a way out.
When I asked him how to do this, he said I might want to choose a home group and get a commitment there. He recommended I develop a regular meeting schedule and told me to share often so people would get to know me. He told me I should go out for fellowship, and that I should call other newcomers and ask them how they were doing. And it all worked.
After 12 years in recovery, I'm so grateful my sponsor showed me a way in, so that I didn't have to find the way out.
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Copyright @ 2014 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
It's real easy to find a way out. There are 1000's of them. You either commit to this program or you don't. The ones I know that are living happy, joyous and free without alcohol in their lives...Are committed to it. They say we should keep this simple. I don't think it gets any simpler than that.