Life has lessons to teach. We can remember them and share them with others, or we can forget them and have to learn them again. --Jan Pishok
What we are destined to learn in this life will keep presenting itself until "contact" has been made. Each experience is a minute part of the big picture that's unfolding. We will receive the information we need, again and again if necessary. Let's give up our fear about where we are going and how we'll get there. We are in caring, capable hands. We will get to the right destination on time.
In this program we are invited to share with others what our experiences have taught us. What better way to recall, and thus relearn, what we have been taught, than to tell another about it. Every Twelve Step program is specifically designed to simplify our lives. The Steps coach us through every situation, and they never shame us for needing reminders of our lessons.
I will help others through sharing my own experiences today. In the process, I'll recapture the essence of the lessons I have learned.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I don't want to be like people who talk only about Steps, Program, Sponsor, but never share personal experience with these things. I've been like this. I was talking about Steps, sponsor and program like I'm student and I'm on exam and need the greatest mark, but not sharing my personal experience, my difficulties, my mistakes and wrong doings, my hesitations and so on.
Through my experience, I've seen that it helps me more when someone starts to share his/her personal experience, strenght and hope, even own's mistakes, wrong beliefs. It is giving me hope and strenght.
We cannot create or strengthen our 'bond' without sharing our experiences ... ... ... the key here, is to not force others to believe or feel exactly as we believe or feel ... but allow others to come to believe or feel through their own experiences or mistakes ... whether or not they wish to take heed of what did or did not work for us ... (of course I was one that didn't believe what others shared, could happen to me ... and I was wrong, it just hadn't happened 'yet' ... damn, I was hard headed then ... still am sometimes, LOL) ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Show me an alcoholic that isn't hard headed Pappy....I haven't found one yet. I think I got to a point where my hardheadedness wasn't working anymore. Overpowered by alcohol. All I needed was to see proof that this thing worked. I got that at my first meeting. I was ready to listen to somebody else for a change.
Good post Pappy! I've learned(ha, ha) there's two ways to learn things in life. Through wisdom of others and by trial and error. Prior to AA most of my learnings were through trial and error. It was painful. Damn, my best intentions didn't work. I had no tools for life. Today, I try my best to learn through the wisdom of others. Learn to listen and listen to learn. This was hard for me becuase the voices in my head were always talking to me. I guess the pain brought me to a place of openminded and teachability.