Violet and I truly enjoyed our camp out, just south of Canton, which is only about 30 minutes from Akron. Our time spent visiting all the AA related historical sites was a great experience. Jim, Akron's intergroup archivists was the speaker at the meeting we happened to find, after going to three on the 4th that were not being held due to being in public buildings that were closed for the holiday. He took us under his wing and to the St. Thomas Hospital parking garage to watch Akron's beautiful fireworks with him, then on the 5th he gave us a tour of the archives of AA history in Akron and surrounding area, and of course, we toured Dr. Bob's house. Our trip home was a journey... Jeep broke down on I-77 South, in upper West Virginia, this was on Sunday. However, a tow truck got to us within 15 minutes, and within 2 hours we were back on the road. (ignition coil was bad). Then about 100 miles up the road, we had a flat tire, and no spare... fix=a-flat got us the rest of way home... then, after getting 2 hours from a rest area, I realized I left my cell phone in the bathroom! We drove back, it was gone. Called it, texted it, no answer or reply. Morning after arriving home, we get a call from a lady that works at the rest area and her and her husband have my phone and we'll get it back in the mail. God was all over this trip!
Thanks for sharing with us John ... hey, Violet looks great ... Now I know God does answer prayers ... ... ... (I know her/your story from a couple years back) ... I hope she knows she has an 'Angel' living with her!!! ... ... ...
God Bless you both, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'