Does anyone remember the colors of the poker chips? I happen to find mine the other day and they are in with other metal chips I have gotten through the years--I have white, red, black and yellow--but for the life of me I can't remember what each color stood for--mind you they are 40 years old and I am now 61---I would deeply appreciate the help--much love Doc
Hey Doc, welcome to the board. I hope that you'll stick around. We have newcomers daily and a wide range of length of sobriety here that could really use your experience, strength, and hope. As for your medalions. I'm not sure there is a standard. It seems to vary from group to group. Before those chips were plastic, they were bakelite, and before that they were made out of clay. I purchased some of the clay ones off ebay. :0)
White for newcomer Red for 90 days Blue for 6 months Silver or Magenta for 9 months.
"We use poker chips to show that when we drink, we are gambling with our lives"
Also, at newcomers meetings they will give 1 and 2 month chips sometimes. The 1 month chip was yellow here and the 2 month chip was Pink. I started coming to this board 3 years ago when I had just over 60 days sober and was on my Pinkchip.....hence the name...
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
I sorry I wasn't clear on my question--these chips are 40 years old not the ones of today. Yes I have 40 years clean and sober--one day at a time. Anyway like I said these are 40 years old and I can't remember what each color was for--I think the white one was for my first year but not sure. ????
Thanks so very much for the welcome--I love when I am home!!
We also use poker chips and I was elected to give them out. I love your reference about gambling with our lives! Any others you have heard? We use the white for newcomer, red for 90 and blue for 6 months. Some of the ones I use are, If you have given up the fight u can pick up a white, if you are doing the things you are supposed to you will see blue skies ahead or if not blue lights flashing behind you.
Hi everyone. I give out Poker Chips for early birthdays in sobriety at my home group. Some of the slogans I use are; If you have given up the fight u can pick up a white, if you are doing the things you are supposed to u will be seeing blue skies ahead and if you aren't you might see blue lights flashing behind you. I would love to hear some of the slogans and things you hear at your meetings when the chips are handed out! We use white for beginner, red for 90 days and blue for 6 months.
Red: No more red eyes
Blue: No more blue lights in your review mirror
Green: Symbolize the time it takes for the grass to grow back between your house and the liquor store
For White: Give up the fight, pick up a white. Give up the high cost of low living. And most recently...Say no to something frightful and pick up something whiteful.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!