Well tonite was a tradition meeting on tradition 1. Heard a lot of ego tonite and self centeredness from two individuals who were fighting. Well they walked out of the meeting. I couldn't help think but for the grace of God there go I, some are sicker than others. I was very grateful for what I have today. I heard patience love and tolerance. However unnacceptable behavior is unnacceptable and I don't have to listen to it or tolerate it. That behavior certainly is not founded on spiritual principles and does nothing for our common unity. God does speak through the group conscience and it was address by the group. I certainly didn't have to react or take it with me. I can say a prayer for them tonite and be reminded just cause you sober up doesn't mean you get well it's just a prerequisite in order to deal with a much larger underlying problem. I'm glad I can forgive today so I can usefull to others around me. But this only because of faith in a higher power and wanting to do his will that this is possible. Feeling content today. No worries.
We don't have many Tradition meetings where I am. None that I can think of. I've heard it said that the steps are what keep us from killing ourselves...And the traditions are what keep us from killing eachother And here you got a couple guys going at it in a tradtion meeting.....Especially tradition one....
Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A.A. unity."
Go figure.....It's kind of comical when you really think about it.
Yes it is comical. But I also can't help but think to tradition twelve, principles before personalities. This tradition meeting happens once a month in place of the step meeting that day. My home group has a tradition meeting every Tuesday and a different format the other six days. BB, speaker discussion. Step, spiritual. Pop corn style, and speaker incoming commitment.
it happens. length of sobriety doesn't determine mental,emotional, and/or spiritual sobriety. its truly sad when that behavior is displayed when someone new is at a meeting. makes the fellowship look real good,eh? got a long timer here that insists on showing how sick he is. pretty sad when he goes off on his,"i like getting into peoples heads because that gives me the power" rant. whats more sick is he doesn't even see how many people at the meetings are loookin at him with a "WTF?" look.
big egos fly and a great lesson to show me what I dont want to be like and whose footsteps I don't want to follow in.
Well, that's a new one : ) I don't think I've ever heard of a heated argument in a meeting about the first tradition. I guess I've never thought of it as being the least bit 'controversial'. But hey, people in AA do behave in odd ways sometimes. Many of those people are rumored to have had a serious drinking problem some time in the past.
Yes I thought of the newcomers too. But their share had nothing to do with tradition 1. Their was a lot of hatred and resentment along with colorful profanity. I think the main topic was they didn't give a crap about anyone and screw all this love BS I'm sober don't have to like anyone. It was clearly they were not working the steps and didn't love themselves. Gee can't understand why one of them keeps going back out. But we still love them even though they can't love themselves giving freely. Our primary purpose is to help the sick and suffering alcoholic that's it. Next time ask your pigeon what his primary purpose is to see if he's been listening.
The Traditions are just as important as the Steps are. Without them? We wouldn't be here. I've seen a lot of recovering members trying to play God. It comes around to bite them in the butt.