I was a friends house they are muslim so they don't drink at all, he offered me a cold fake beer, it was muslim brand, I haven't had a beer in forever and it was a nice night, I've been sober now for about year or so now.
The oddest thing was I had weird feeling of drunkess, noting major but the feeling your brain gets when you crack open that first beer. It was really weird.
I was just wondering if anyone else experienced something like this.
not sure what fake beer is but that near beer stuff does have alcohol in it.
I have never experienced it as there is no way in hell im going to even think about drinking something like that. that would be like asking the lord to lead me from temptation and then walking into it.
"it was muslim brand, I haven't had a beer in forever and it was a nice night, I've been sober now for about year or so now."
and that right there is a great motive to lead me right back to the insanity.
im gonna be harsh and say ya better get yer head out of yer ass( if you don't want to go back to where ya were before getting sober) and remember what yer are dealing with:alcohol- cunning,baffling,powerful, patient and deadly.
It's called non-alcoholic beer because it's for non-alcoholics. During one of my lame tries at stopping drinking, I drank O'Douls at a party..except I drank 12 of them..yeah I'm pretty sure I'm an alcoholic. It does have alcohol in it.
My mental disease= Anything that my brain says to convince me it's okay to take a drink of anything.
It uses all my best thinking, my charm, my charisma, my humor and whit and reasoning AGAINST me and it's a CHECK MATE... unless I do what you did... and offer it up to some other alcoholics who might not happen to be crazy at the same time as me.
The crazies for me are fleeting now... they probably are for you too by this time. The thinking disease will use THAT against me (us) it will use anything... I think you should put a post it note on your bathroom mirror that says what someone wrote about about this being cunning baffling patient deadly etc... you did the right thing by posting it here and letting everyone squash that one. You win. This time...
The important thing is recognizing it was not good for you and telling someone. We all learn everyday. I hope you are not beating yourself up, but pray and be proactive. I remember last year my sister gave me a piece of chocolate. I had not idea it had a center filled with alcohol. I spit it out as soon as I tasted it and washed my mouth out. LOL. She was like what are you doing? As for non-alcoholic beer, I have thought about it, but I know it would be wrong for me. Cunning, baffling, powerful, yes my mind can make anything seem ok. Some people do drink it and non-alcoholic wine too. For me I cannot.
Get some learning about dry drunking and the psychosomatic effects of alcoholism...where just the compulsive thought of drinking alcohol can cause the behavior as if you had. Check it out and learn. I haven't had the chemical for over 35 years and I've still had affects around compulsive thoughts. Our disease cannot be cured and is a disease of the mind body, spirit and emotions...really.
Once upon a time when I was in therapy I had a discussion about having an O'dule's (near beer). His first question was, "did you feel a little tipsy from having it? I said yes. He went on to say that the brain, with many alcoholics, will trigger stuff in your head like, the shape of the bottle, the taste, (for me it did taste like beer), the smell, that will create a vicarious experience of drinking days and an actual drinking type high. He also said that this stuff does have alcohol in it which is another trigger for an alcoholic. He advise against drinking it. I took his advise. For my program I don't need any drama to worry about whether I should or could drink this or that. If I drink water, pop, or coffee in a regular glass or cup my odds are better that I won't go back to the hell I use to live in. That's of course with the help of my higher power, AA, and you good people.
I had a well-meaning friend once serve me "non alcoholic" wine with dinner. It tasted and smelled like the real thing, I was kind of surprised how much so. I only took a sip of it and then passed. I don't think I'd ever drink near beer - beer was my #1 drink and anything that reminds me of it, even a poor imitation, would get my mind to thinking about it and craving it.
Hi. I tried drinking a beer called Molson exel from my local grocery store. I stopped drinking these cause even the non alcoholic brands carry a small amount of alcohol. I noticed that my mind started going into the state it does when you drink regular beer after I had a few of them. I wouldn't drink them because you could easily start getting into the habit again after you tried these for a while. some of the non alcoholic brands carry a 0.5% alcohol content and they don't even tell you, so its probably good to leave them alone.
I do not drink 'non-alcoholic' beer, for the same reasons that I don't chop up baking soda with a razor blade and snort it off a mirror, or lock myself in the bathroom and inject saline into my arm. For me, as someone who had their life destroyed by alcoholism, it would be just as unhealthy and disturbing as those other actions.