I woke up this morning to my two young children jumping on my bed asking me for pancakes, lol. What was great was, my first thought wasnt , please be quiet I have a headache. I scooped them up and gave them the biggest kisses. Then preceded to get up, make my coffee and make them pancakes. Its little victories like that that give me such extreme joy. I feel good today. Started a list of projects I want to get done around the house and know that without being hungover from alcohol that they will actually get done. I am so blessed to wake up to another beautiful day and I am ready to make the most of it. I hope all of you have a great day! For those that are finding today a bit rough, make a list of all the blessings in your life, no matter how small, and use that to motivate you to keep going. Hugs to all
Beautiful,I can identify with your excitement..For me after over 25 years OF ACTIVE ADDICTION,,my first tastes of complete surrender were a blur..I knew that I could never drink or use any mind altering mood changing substances without further demise of my LIFE(already on the downbound train to oblivion)..I also found putting down the substance was the beginning of MY HEALING but my real Solution)the application of the STEPS APPLIED IN ALL AREAS OF MY LIFE) was the turning point of a life of Freedom...Just For Today,don't pick up,,easy does it and work toward that solution...Have a blessed and productive day...Enjoy the journey of your life in freedom from active addiction.Remember WE suggest application of the PROGRAM daily guided by a Power greater than yourself,whatever that may be and it only need be loving and caring and not you...You can take a look at this website for further information........http://www.aa.org/
.... aa.org/
-- Edited by mikef on Monday 30th of June 2014 10:11:24 AM
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
ready to change.....Your user ID speaks volumes and goes hand in hand with the motivation you expressed and it is exciting to read about your daily progress! I am glad that you are having a great morning as well as helping others, which will help you.