(I was surprised it was this state--I would have thought this one would be far down on the list.)
When all else fails...Follow the directions.
Close friend of Bill W. since 1989
oh, you guys! (I'm just jealous that I didn't think of one of those first). This place reminds me of a line from Dragnet......"Just the facts, Ma'am". Ok, I can tell this is a tough "crowd"......maybe you'll like this better....www.youtube.com/watch (This brings back lots of memories--just love the fake swing to the chin--probably because it looks so fake.
Stepchild wrote:I spent six months in Alaska....Those people can drink.....I think it's the darkness.
I spent six months in Alaska....Those people can drink.....I think it's the darkness.
*nods* It's true, we went through a lot of dark beer. ;)