I'm doing okay... My emotions seem to be evening out a little bit. I'm struggling with this 180 degree turn in my life though. I know it's going to be a learning process, bc right now I feel like I don't know who I am without alcohol. But let's be honest, I didn't really know who I was WITH alcohol, it was just easier to avoid those feelings.
I just want to fast forward to the "happy, joyous and free" part. :)
That's awesome Namaste...I wanted the same thing....That's why I grabbed a sponsor and got busy right out of the gate. Keep moving forward Namaste....It will get way better!
That is great that you having 23 days sober!!! I felt really "funny" feeling for a while after I stopped drinking. Your body is detoxing and that is normal. It is cleaning all the poisons out and you are filling your mind and your body with good stuff now.
I have 7 months sober now and I felt the same way! Now that some time has passed I feel so much better. I know who I am not and that is the person that was drinking. The fun and best part of life is ahead. Deciding who I want to be. I heard the best thing in a meeting the other day..... "Strap on your seatbelt because when your sober life is one hell of a ride".
Meetings are a big help socially as I need something to do with sober people.
I'm glad your here!
We all drank and know how to do that. It's living sober that I am learning about.
23 days! Amazing. One day you'll wake up and you'll think "Who was that other person..."? It's a great journey and things do get better; much, much better.
All I was led to do was live in the one day that all of us have to live in...today. Yes literature, meetings, sponsorship, not drinking and more is in this day. Get a home group and ask where you can help out...coffee, literature, doing the room set up etc and of course...keep coming back. My early slogan that the program gave me was...Don't drink and don't think...yay it works when you work it. 23 days are good days.
23 days sober....and, each day is a miracle! Congratulations! So...ya wanna fast forward? Start with Step Four...and just keep going. You'll be amazed!
So when do I start feeling good? Right now my depression is really, really bad. I miss my ex. Going back to that unfufilling relationship and drinking sounds like a great idea. Not really. But you see where my head is at?
I threw out my back on Sunday and I am in agony. Back at work today and sitting is the worst position to be in. I'm going to a chiropractor tonight to see if that helps.
I just feel like one big open wound. The littlest thing can set me into a downward spiral.
Thanks! I still haven't found a sponsor. Haven't been to a meeting since Saturday bc of my back.
Do I need a sponsor in order to work the steps? I feel like I can't get "started" until I have one.
I'll tell you what worked for me Namaste....I had to ask myself an honest question....Am I going to commit to this program or not. It was suggested to me to do 90 meetings in 90 days....I doubled that. Not saying you have to do that....But 90 is a good idea. I listened for someone that talked about the solution...The steps. I asked him (I'm a guy...Stick with someone the same gender.) after a meeting...Can you take me through these steps as they are done in the book...(Which I had read a couple times already.) It only took me 3 meetings to find someone....And I have been sober since. I'd tried getting sober many times before Namaste...My way didn't work. Their way does.