"Alcoholics Anonymous has an answer to problems in sobriety, making sobriety, eventually, something wonderful instead of something that can drive people to drink."
Yeah, in the beginning of recovery, I hated my situation in life and cursed the fact that I needed help and needed to work the AA program ... once I did the dreaded work, learned the program for life, I then had a 'change of attitude', among many other changes, I come to know I had been greatly blessed to be an alcoholic and then a part of this great recovery program ... I would probably never have come to know the glory of God had it not been for my living through these events ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I never thought I'd ever hear myself say it, but one day I realized that my alcoholism is the best thing that ever happened to me. It's what brought me to God.