Like many folks, I haven't been around in a while. When I logged in this morning, though, I was really impacted by recent posts about pathological lying, the benefits of criticism, and gratitude for the program. I had a major self-pity episode through the majority of last night that's been culminating for a week and really *needed* to read these posts this morning. So, thank you for that. This morning was a reminder to me how important it is to stay in and contribute to these spaces, and to ultimately keep myself surrounded by the program. I haven't been doing a great job of that lately and it's been apparent. Anyway, this morning really made me think about the ways in which AA perpetually challenges me to stop feeling sorry for myself. After reading through the recent posts and doing some reflecting, my attitude went from pretty shitty to genuinely grateful. And I'm glad for that.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton