"I have learned to keep quiet when I disagree and to give others freedom to express opinions widely different from my own -- without giving in to the urge to enlighten them. I am grateful for all the voices of AA."
I am much better at this today than in my earlier recovery period ... LOL ... after my first year or two, I KNEW IT ALL and went about making making sure others 'had what I had' ... THAT, I found out later, was the wrong attitude to carry in this program ... it doesn't work well that way, it just makes it harder on everyone ... so ... I've learned there are many good things to be said for just keeping my opinions to myself sometimes ... even if what I think should be said is the truth, sometimes it's better to let the other person learn this on their own ...
(by the way ... St. Pete Dean, here, was responsible, in large part, for teaching me this valuable lesson ...)
Thanks Mike ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
At first I thought "that's not me because I don't disagree with others' opinions most of the time". Big LOL on that one. My SO knows how untrue that is. I have disagreed on this board with others more times than I care to remember. I am trying to do better about that and realize everyone has the right to think and say what they want without my . I think what has made it easier for me to be more outspoken--well, too outspoken--is that I am a big chicken in person and not facing you guys and can hide behind this computer screen. If we were all in a AA meeting, you would have a hard time picking me out..LOL
Still a toughie for me, still need more work. Love the post, Mike.
"I have learned to keep quiet when I disagree and to give others freedom to express opinions widely different from my own -- without giving in to the urge to enlighten them. I am grateful for all the voices of AA."
Nice ... lately I started to talk a lot. And, of course I'm trying to prove my rightness to others - to prove, to explain, to show. I forgot that If I'm trying to prove, to explain, to show, I'm making mistake. What is right, doesn't need defense or explanation. I'm definitely not well spiritually.