Well the job is still going well. The Apt. Hunt continues since the one I wanted got rented to the landlords friend. Guess God has something else in store. I've been able to detach from my wife and the divorce is still proceeding. We've talked about parenting plan, the house, property, health insurance and ect. We are in agreement. So per her request I'm gonna put it all on paper for her to see so we can have this all hashed out before first mediation. I'm not bitching I'm not complaining I'm not resentful. I really don't know how I am, serene I guess in balance I will call it. Keeping the focus on me and that's that. ODAT!
Sounds like you're coming to terms with it ... We call that 'acceptance' ... oh boy, have I had to learn that the hard way too ... glad you'still aboard here ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
E...this helps me fondly remember when I was in the "fearful state" and my sponsor leading me to Dr. Paul's dissertation on "Acceptance" on page 449 of the 3rd Edition of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. In later editions it might be a few pages further on. It's worth the chase. Good growth.