Step 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong PROMPTLY admitted it.
Notice that the Tenth Step says that when we were wrong we promptly ADMIT it. It doesn't say that when we were wrong we promptly JUSTIFY it. The first three Steps are designed to bring us to the point where we become WILLING to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a Higher Power, Steps Four through Nine are HOW we turn our will and our lives over by removing what blocks us from actually doing so, and the last three Steps are how we KEEP our will and our lives turned over to God indefinitely.
A large part of Step Ten is a summary of Steps Four through Nine, to be used quickly on a moment-by-moment basis throughout each day. Step Eleven shows us how to deepen and broaden our conscious contact with the God of our understanding. And Step Twelve gives us the goal of the Steps - which is a spiritual awakening, tells us how to carry our life-changing message to others, and gives us many tips on how to practice these principles in ALL our affairs.
Please turn to the middle of page 84. The key to Step Ten are the words, "continue to take personal inventory." The "Big Book" emphasizes the importance of continuing to take the Steps. The middle of Page 84 says:
"This...brings us to Step Ten, which suggests we CONTINUE to take personal inventory and CONTINUE to set right ANY new mistakes AS WE GO ALONG. We VIGOROUSLY commenced this way of living AS we cleaned up the past (so the book tells us when to start vigorously using the tools of Steps Ten and Eleven. These two Steps should be practiced as we start cleaning up the past by making our Step Nine amends. The book continues:) We have entered the world of the Spirit. Our next function is to GROW in understanding and effectiveness." (Grow in understanding and effectiveness of what? Of being in AND inspired by the world of the Spirit. The book continues:) This is NOT an overnight matter. It SHOULD continue for our LIFETIME."
In this paragraph the authors tell us how to live, one day at a time. We call this our twenty-four-hour plan. We CONTINUE to take inventory, CONTINUE to make amends and CONTINUE to help others, EVERY day.
Let's look at the third sentence in this paragraph again. It is VERY important. It reads, "We have entered the world of the Spirit." This sentence contains an amazing revelation. Basically, the "Big Book" has just informed us that our lives have already changed as a result of taking Steps One through Nine. They state that we have already had a spiritual awakening.
How could that be? Well, it's very simple. There is no way a newcomer can get through these Steps alone. You have not only developed a belief in a God of your understanding, but you have come to rely upon this Power to help you through the inventory and restitution process. You are now living in the solution. Some of you may not realize it yet, but the "psychic change" that Dr. Silkworth mentioned in "The Doctor's Opinion" as being ESSENTIAL, has now occurred.
Further down on page 84, the authors tell us PRECISELY how to take a Tenth Step, moment by moment, inventory.
"...Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear. (We first did this in Step 4.) When these crop up, we ask God at once to remove them." (This is referring to Steps 6 and 7, and it's not suggesting that we ask our Higher Power to "at once remove them," it's saying that we "at once ASK God to remove them." Also, notice that this line says, "WHEN these crop up," not, "IF these crop up," so we need to stay aware of when selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear are resurfacing throughout our life. And Step Ten is NOT to be taken ONLY at night, as it is sometimes suggested in our fellowship, the book says that it's to be taken ALL through the day, WHENEVER these things crop up, moment by moment, as soon as we become aware of them. The book continues.) "We discuss them with someone immediately (Step 5) and make amends QUICKLY if we have harmed anyone (Steps 8 and 9). Then we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we CAN help (Not just anybody, but someone we CAN help, Step 12.). Love and tolerance of others is our code."
The next line can ALSO be considered as part of the directions for taking this Step:
"And we have ceased fighting anything or anyone - even alcohol."
This part of Step Ten is certainly easier said than done, but it's important for us to make it a priority and to start moving in the direction of no longer fighting with anything or anyone.
So the "Big Book' provides us with specific instructions on how to rid ourselves of these self-centered behaviors. First we MUST continue realizing (as we did in Step Three) that self-centered behaviors are NOT consistent with God's plan for our lives and they will ONLY lead us back to drinking. Next, we MUST continue taking the actions necessary to move away from self-will toward God's Will. We ask God to remove these shortcomings, we discuss them with our "sponsor" or spiritual advisor, and if necessary, we set right (to the best of our ability) any wrong WE have done. Then, we try to focus on someone we can help. So it's: "watch, ask, discuss, amend, and turn".
The "Big Book" affirms that if we do the work of Steps One through Nine and apply the Tenth Step on a DAILY basis, God WILL remove the obsession to drink. This is another of the many promises we find throughout the Steps in this book. They are the Tenth Step Promises, and they are sometimes called "The Forgotten Promises" because we usually only refer to the Ninth Step ones. As a matter of fact, MOST of the Steps in this book have specific promises associated with them. At the bottom of page 84 they write:
"And we have ceased fighting anything or anyone - even alcohol. For by this time sanity will have returned. We will seldom be interested in liquor. If tempted, we recoil from it as from a hot flame. We react sanely and normally and we will find that this has happened automatically. We will see that our new attitude toward liquor has been given us without any thought or effort on our part. It just comes! That is the miracle of it. We are not fighting it, neither are we avoiding temptation. We feel as though we had been placed in a position of neutrality - safe and protected. We have not even sworn off. Instead the problem has been removed (and the problem they are talking about here is the mental obsession and the spiritual malady). It does not exist for us. We are neither cocky nor are we afraid. That is our experience. (Now here a warning.) That is how we react so long as (or IF) we keep in FIT spiritual condition."
What is part of keeping fit spiritually? Taking a daily inventory. What is our reward? A daily reprieve.
There is an expression that describes the Tenth Step perfectly. It goes something like this: If we remove our garbage promptly, our house doesn't stink. I'm sure if you think about it, everyone here can relate.
The "Big Book" describes this daily reprieve in the middle of page 85:
"It is easy to let up on the spiritual program of action and rest on our laurels. (Our laurels are our past victories. The book continues with a warning.) We are headed for trouble if we do, for alcohol is a subtle foe. We are not cured of alcoholism. What we REALLY have is a daily reprieve CONTINGENT (or dependent) on the maintenance of our spiritual condition. (Now please notice these next few sentences.) EVERY day is a day when we MUST carry the vision of GOD'S WILL into ALL of our activities. 'How can I BEST serve Thee - THY Will (not mine) be done.' These are thoughts which MUST go with us CONSTANTLY. We can exercise our will power along THIS line all we wish. It is the proper use of the will."
Another reward is God-consciousness - direct contact with our Higher Power. In the next paragraph on page 85, the "Big Book" tells us:
"Much has already been said about receiving strength, inspiration, and direction from Him who has ALL knowledge and power. If we CAREFULLY followed direction, we have begun to sense the flow of His Spirit into us. To some extent we have become God-conscious. We have begun to develop this VITAL sixth sense. But we MUST go further and that means MORE action."
Once again, the authors declare that our lives have changed - we've already had the spiritual awakening. They say we have become conscious of the Spirit of the Universe, and we are now receiving strength, inspiration and direction from this Spirit. Not only that, but they say that this sixth sense is VITAL or ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL.
Now, it's time to proceed. The directions for taking the Tenth Step are found in the second paragraph on page 84. Starting with line two, the "Big Book" writes:
"...we continue to take personal inventory and continue to set right any new mistakes AS WE GO ALONG."
I love this Phil. Very well put. One of the things I heard in meetings early on was people saying how they needed to go through the steps again...Or they reworked them every year. I couldn't find anywhere in the directions where this was suggested...So I approached two oldtimers I really admired...One with 50 years sober...The other 38....And I asked them point blank. How many times have you worked the steps? And I got the same answer from both of them...The first nine steps...Once.
The 12 steps are the principles we practice in all our affairs...And they are clearly laid out in this paragraph from your post.
"...Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear. (We first did this in Step 4.) When these crop up, we ask God at once to remove them." (This is referring to Steps 6 and 7, and it's not suggesting that we ask our Higher Power to "at once remove them," it's saying that we "at once ASK God to remove them." Also, notice that this line says, "WHEN these crop up," not, "IF these crop up," so we need to stay aware of when selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear are resurfacing throughout our life. And Step Ten is NOT to be taken ONLY at night, as it is sometimes suggested in our fellowship, the book says that it's to be taken ALL through the day, WHENEVER these things crop up, moment by moment, as soon as we become aware of them. The book continues.) "We discuss them with someone immediately (Step 5) and make amends QUICKLY if we have harmed anyone (Steps 8 and 9). Then we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we CAN help (Not just anybody, but someone we CAN help, Step 12.). Love and tolerance of others is our code."
The action of the first 9 steps has been taken. Here are the steps we took. The spiritual awakening has happened...Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps....If we have followed directions carefully. I like how Clarence S. calls it a simple three step program that we follow.....Because step 10....Wraps it up nicely....Add a step for getting closer to your HP...And one for helping others....You got a recipe for success. It's a great post....I wish you'd hear more of this kind of stuff in meetings.
...Much has already been said about receiving strength, inspiration, and direction from Him who has all knowledge and power. If we have carefully followed directions, we have begun to sense the flow of His Spirit into us.
I think that's where it's really important...To find a sponsor that knows the book and lives it. For myself...It wasn't about finding someone I could relate to...It was about finding someone that knew the path...And kept me on it.
That End of the Day inventory is part of Step 11.....Page 86 BB
I've heard this said in meetings too...It's not. It's actually a part of step 10. If you look at page 93 of the 12 and 12....Bill W talks about it in step 10.
"When evening comes, perhaps just before going to sleep, many of us draw up a balance sheet for the day. This is a good place to remember that inventory-taking is not always done in red ink. It's a poor day indeed when we haven't donesomething right. As a matter of fact, the waking hours are usually well filled with things that are constructive. Good intentions, good thoughts, and good acts are there for us to see. Even when we have tried hard and failed, we may chalk that up as one of the greatest credits of all. Under these conditions, the pains of failure are converted into assets. Out of them we receive the stimulation we need to go forward. Someone who knew what he was talking about once remarked that pain was the touchstone of all spiritual progress. How heartily we A.A.'s can agree with him, for we know that the pains of drinking had to come before sobriety, and emotional turmoil before serenity."
So unless I'm mistaken...That outline layed out on pages 86 through 88 on how we should try and live our day..Is a combination of steps 10 and 11.....Which for me....Pretty much go hand in hand anyway.