Does anyone know if this is in the Big Book? I found it on Barefoot's World.....when I did a search to find out if these are BF's words or the BB, another site name came up and it has the exact info without any reference to AA. It sounds like it is in the BB, however, my retention is still so poor and I am hoping the longer I am sober the better it will get. Can't grow back new brain cells unfortunately.
"We create personas out of our insecurities. We crave attention and notoriety and go to great lengths to display our expertise and our convictions in order to receive affirmation of what is a false sense of self. Others with this same affliction jump on our bandwagon and actually do us great damage by affirming our illusions, and theirs.
We bully and ridicule those whose opinions differ from ours in naked displays of our insecurity. It is very ugly to observe, especially since the insecure often choose the weakest and most vulnerable as their targets.
We take great care that our superficial trappings, our dress, our hair, the decoration of our homes, represent the picture we want to convey to the outside world.
Well, if we are our true to ourselves and live authentically from our true self, there is nothing whatsoever to represent. We simply are. It is from a diligent and thorough practice of the steps that we become real, our true spirit is awakened, and we know who we are, and in humility we accept ourselves simply as we have been created. We have partaken of the greatest gift that God has given mankind, forgiveness of self and others."
Considering the next part of barefoots post/article - it looks like he has honed in on pages 59 & 60 of the Big book: How it works.
************False pride can easily be distinguished from true. The truly great feel no need to stand out, and often work behind the scenes to effect the changes they need to see. They need no pulpit, no platform, for they are already lifted high above most others.
They feel no pressing need to answer the criticisms of others because they know who they are and rest in the peace of that knowledge.
They don't need to be 'cool', they don't need outside affiliations to affirm their worthiness. They know they are worthy.
In this distorted funhouse world of illusion, it is easy for one possessed of false pride to collect a gang of followers, but in the end this just makes it more difficult for us to come to the truth of who we really are.
And the truth of who we are is so much greater than any greatness we can achieve in the eyes of fools about us. Why do we choose lesser over greater? Why do we fail to embrace our magnitude? Why do we fail to be entirely willing and thorough in following the instructions on page 59 and 60 of the BigBook? All the answers we are seeking in life are there.
Let the storms come as they may .... as we work our way through the steps and life .... to be left standing in who we are .... for it is only then that we can honestly walk through the door to the other side of ourselves and see the face of God .... where the "I" is in Truth a localized, intimte, manifestation of the Divine.
Behind the scenes service work allowed/allows me to know just how much false pride and false humility was running and ruling my life - MOUNTAINS! - and was a great process toward real pride and humility which is always a work in progress in our crazy superficial driven world. I am so grateful for articles like these which affirm the journey I have chosen and allow me to feel less alone. Finding a balance with this has been challenging. I do not want to be a slob or lazy and unkempt, nor do I want to be doing what I do just for show. In my mind/spirit, I imagine I am honoring the gift of life I have been given, and all things in it - all other people, me, what stuff I do need, my body, my home etc., by taking loving care of it as it truly is a gift. It is not for show, or for others, it is out of respect and thanks to God. Thank you so much for posting this Grace xoxoxxoxo
That is so typical of me....reading the parts that I am most drawn to, and skimming over the rest and missing the answer which is often right in front of my eyes. And prob. the part(s) I skip is the one(s) I need the most. I still have a lot of work to do on that one I know. Oh well, more prayer, more patience and tolerance with myself (but not toooo much). Thanks for the help on that.
Oh Phil, I have some mini skirts which don't fit me anymore and are a bit outdated especially for this alcoholic.... you are welcome to them. To each his own!
-- Edited by betterthanyesterday52 on Monday 28th of April 2014 10:12:28 AM
I wonder if I can use her for my avatar? (The hottee on the right). Then whenever anyone wants a pic of me, I can just say "look at my avatar". That oughta keep em at bay.
-- Edited by betterthanyesterday52 on Monday 28th of April 2014 11:06:39 AM
Ya know Nut Dude ??? ... my neighbor to the left looks like the one on the left ... and the one on the right looks like the one on the right ... and the one on the right calls me ALL the time, LOL ... wonder why that is ???
Mini skirts are like 'tattoos', there are some people I really don't care to see them on, LOL ... ... ... my neighbor to the left ??? ... oh yeah!!! ... the one on the right ??? ... oooooh Nooooo !!!!
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Oh, ... the lady on the right 'DOES' have a nice personality ... but will 'talk you to death' ... LOL ... the one on the left ... uh ... uh ... I've never heard a word she's said, LOL ... ... ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'