I got a call yesterday from one of my brothers that mum was fading away.
This morning at half past four she slipped away gently and peacefully. My sister stayed at her side for all of her last twenty four hours.
I'll leave my sister be until tomorrow. ..she needs to rest ....then I'll drive down., give her a hug and ask if I can help in any way.
It's a meeting for me tonight and maybe this morning too and as many meetings as I need from then on.
what do I feel? I'm calm. I'm relieved that she's not fighting anymore. I'm grateful for my sister, even though we've had some difficulty. ...and I'm grateful for the care mum received. Yes a little sad. I said my goodbyes on monday and so did mum.
so it's shower shave breakfast and take the dog for a walk.
birth marriage divorce or death, we don't lift the first drink.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
From across the "pond", I'm very sorry to hear that your mother has passed away. I'm sure you're feeling pretty sad right now. You're a good man and I know you'll be there for the rest of the family. You're right...a drink won't make it better. Blessings to you and your family.
I too, am sorry to hear of your loss BB, ... you have been, and will continue to be in my prayers ... if we live long enough, we are certain to go through times like these ... it's not pleasant, but it is a part of life ... I know you well enough to know that you're feeling sadness, but I also know that you're very grateful to have had a mum to grow with ... and I see this as an excellent opportunity to mend the differences with your sis ... I know you'll take the first step and hopefully, she'll follow your lead ...
God Bless you and your mum and family, Love ya man,
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
(((((((((Bill))))))) I am so very sorry about your mother. You and your family will be in my prayers and may your Higher Power continue to give you comfort and strength during this time. Grace
-- Edited by betterthanyesterday52 on Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:47:37 AM
Sorry for your loss Bill,,My wife's mom also just passed,3 weeks ago,,,,,.We celebrate their lives in lucidity and freedom from active addiction...In thought and prayer brother.
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Thank you for all your responses, although I'm at peace with this I have been challenged by the behaviours of others.
it's appropriate that I don't go down tomorrow and keep a respectful distance from some family members as information has come to light that I find upsetting and disturbing of my peace.
I'll not go into details but involves my sister, my estranged daughter, manipulation, controlling behaviour, a slap and a serious threat of official consequences, possibly brought to bear after the funeral.
there has been other stuff involving other family members that I need to stay away from.
Also, I consider this forum to be private. Facebook not so. A couple of careless posts meant that some family members found out by Facebook before being told personally. Does everything have to be posted on f***king Facebook?
I've spent the day not acting on thought one or thought two but acting on thought three (talk to someone), being with fellowship members, going to meetings and being with the dog.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
It is good that you are protecting yourself, Bill. I dropped my FB account several years ago. When I was drinking and was drunk (hand and hand for me), I posted personal things which I never would have when I was sober and sending FB messages to "friends" I hadn't seen in years and really wasn't all that close to. Most of those things I did only made myself appear foolish. Since I was always drinking, I closed my account. I have heard some real horror stories about FB. I am sorry that you had that posting happen in your family.
(((Bill))) it reads like you've got Doctor Paul musing on "acceptance" down good right now. I can learn from that...glad you brought it home. Prayers to your MUM so she can keep a loving eye on you still.