I am new to the AA online thing. Would anyone be willing to help me out and tell me how this works? I am thirteen days sober today and want to continue on that path. I am looking for a way to receive help without going to meetings, where you are not heard or seen. Thank you so much.
Welcome Cmay...
I think if it were that easy to stay sober, AA would not have been around for so long. I too tried to get and stay sober without going to meetings. It just didn't work for me. I managed to stay sober for only a short time and then went back to drinking. There are some people who have been able to get sober on their own--no AA, no meetings. I know three of them. I am not sure if they were alcoholic or not. I cannot give you advice on how to do it because I don't think it would be honest of me to tell someone who is possibly an alcoholic how to quit drinking on their own when I haven't been able to do it myself. I wish you the best of luck and hope everything works out for you.
Yupper...Tried to do it many times on my own......Didn't last long...
Only way I could do it was continuously go to meetings and hang out with those that have the same problem as I do...and continue to do so on a regular basis..
Go to a meeting. Stop being ashamed of needing recovery. That is a major stumbling block. People will cheer you on and view you going to meetings as a strength not a weakness. Strong and resourceful people reach out for help. In the meanwhile, getting some help is better than none, so feel free to ask any question and share whatever is on your mind here. You are an alcoholic with a desire to stop drinking and this is an AA site so you belong here too. It will help. Share whatever you wish to gain feedback on or whatever is relevant to your recovery.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
I am new to the AA online thing. Would anyone be willing to help me out and tell me how this works? I am thirteen days sober today and want to continue on that path. I am looking for a way to receive help without going to meetings, where you are not heard or seen. Thank you so much.
Welcome to MIP Cmay, ... glad you found us ...
Coming hear 'on-line' is a great thing, it helps us tremendously ... to share our thoughts and concerns with each other ... it's a form of discussion that sometimes may not be appropriate for a meeting environment ... HOWEVER, there is no substitute for a 'face-to-face' meeting ... that is where the miracle of this program truly happens ...
We can see, feel, and touch at meetings ... and to receive hugs and handshakes as well as give them makes this recovery thing 'real' ... go to meetings and just listen if you don't feel like sharing, but go ... ... ... if you are truly an alcoholic like us, then this is a 'life and death' decision ... and your 'peace and serenity' are dependent on it ... ... ... after a while, you will look forward to them ...
Love you and God Bless,
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Thank you. I am not ashamed, I don't have any transportation. I am working on getting the schedules and trying to take a bus. I want to beat this addiction and become the person I know I can be. Thank you again.
Thank you BTY! I understand what you are saying. It isn't really possible to overcome any addiction with outside support and help. My dad was an alcoholic and stopped on his own, but I don't think I have the same willpower. I appreciate your advice and thank you for your input.
Going to meetings is like going to walmart to fill a prescription. There are all kinds of people there... 'ailments' don't care if your rich, poor, one legged, female, male, young, old, a mom, a sister, a brother or if you have transportation.
Just like this 'ailment' or disease is the proper term - it sucks - it's out of your control - you have to go get help for it - you can't just will it away any more than you could will away cancer or the flu - you have seek out this help from people you might not always like - you might have to wait for results for a bit (for the 'meds to start working' which is meetings) - you will probably find some of the 'medical workers' (or rather aa people) very kind and compassionate and wonderful - and you might find that some of them are pricks and harsh, just like that nurse or doctor who you go to see and doesn't even hardly look at you and then jabs you with your shot and off you go...
But that is because we are all just people - we all have a different place in this world, just like the wide variety of people you'd meet at walmart or at the doctor. We are not perfect (some of us - like me - are close) LOLOLOLOLLOOLLLOOLLLLL
But most of us are just people trying to get better ourselves, and help others do that while we are doing that for ourselves at the same time. So, just like treatment for cancer isn't wonderful and all fun and games - you gotta do it if you want to live - this actually IS life or death... so... good luck, we'll be here for questions or to support you every step of the way.
I came here to this site a couple years ago with the exact same original post as yours. I finally made it to meetings - and now I'm sober and healthy and have been ever since I did 90 meetings in 90 days.
Where there is a will there is a way - call the aa line near you and they will help you get a ride.
Best wishes
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Hello and Welcome Cmay! Stick around and you'll get to know our regulars here from all over the world. We are the people that you used to like to drink with, except we found a new way to live, enjoy life, and have fun, without the need to drink. It's pretty simple, we learned that we can't drink safely any longer so we just don't drink, one day at at time.
Thanks everyone. One step at a time, that I do know. I know this road isn't going to be easy but I am ready and willing to do what it takes to get better. Thanks for the tip on calling the aa near me to seek a ride. I will most definitely give that a shot when I finish here. Thank you again for your words and advice.
Get yourself a copy of the the Big Book...It's titled...Alcoholics Anonymous. It explains it better than anything else. AA is a fellowship of alcoholics that help eachother that's named after the book....Not the other way around. You can solve the transportation problem....I know it never stopped me from getting a drink. Glad you are here Cmay.
Here it is online til you can get yourself a copy. Start with the Foreward and The Doctor's Opinion. Ask questions if you have them. There is a way out of this fricken mess....And this is it.
Read it...Study it...Ask questions about it. These lines stand out.
To show other alcoholics PRECISELY HOW WE HAVE RECOVERED is the main purpose of this book.
From the Foreward to the first Edition
Further on, clear-cut directions are given showing how we recovered.
Page 29
Lack of power, that was our dilemma. We had to find a power by which we could live, and it had to be a Power greater than ourselves. Obviously. But where and how were we to find this Power?
Well, that's exactly what this book is about. Its main object is to enable you to find a Power greater than yourself which will solve your problem.
Page 45
Look for the stuff in between those lines....That's where you start. It's pretty clear-cut and there are plenty of people that will help you through it...It's all about action.....That has to come from you.
-- Edited by Stepchild on Saturday 5th of April 2014 03:03:07 PM
As you have already seen, the folks here are eager to give you all the help you need. It's exactly the same in face-to-face A.A. meetings as well. I hope you'll be able to find a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in your area soon. One thing you'll very likely find is that there are usually people at those meetings who may be able to give you rides. Don't be afraid to ask. Hope you'll keep in touch with us as well. Blessings, Mike D.
Thanks again everyone. I will start on Chapter five tonight. I am looking for ways to get to a face-to-face meeting. I will do what I need to. Thank you everyone!
Congrats on 13 days and welcome! Today is day 20 for me. It occurred to me today as I was walking down the street that tomorrow it will be THREE WEEKS since I had a drink and I actually stopped in my tracks. It boggled my mind! I can't imagine going three weeks without alcohol, yet seemingly I have done so (in one hour...) I hope your (almost) two weeks makes you proud of yourself. It should. I had to do about six of them in a row without a meeting and it was like walking uphill carrying a backpack of rocks. I did it, but it sucked.
Meetings just make things so much easier. I don't know why. They just get my head right.
I have found great support on here when I have had questions or needed some bolstering. These people are great. I am building my sober network in real life, but this has been invaluable too.
See if you can get a copy of "Living Sober" as well. It's short and has great practical advice, especially for early on.
Congratulations on 21 days! I enjoy this site and I will look for the book you suggested. I am doing all that I can to stay sober. I appreciate this website, the people have helped me tremendously so far. Thank you for your response.