I am not sure who originally said this. I do know that it is an AA expression. I posted something on this board earlier this week and realized that I need to take some time and practice "Live and Let Live" in my life. I looked this up and found varying meanings of this. One is "You should tolerate the opinions and behaviors of others so that they similarly tolerate yours." I realized after my reaction to responses I received to one of my postings, that I certainly fall short of this. I am currently praying to God to remove my character defects. The list of CD's my sponsor made for me certainly does not list all of them. I don't really know one word to describe this inability to L&LL when it comes to others' opinions. Maybe it falls under all of these-- "Low Self-Esteem", "Expectations", "Assuming", "Fear", "Negative Thinking:, "Controlling" and "Insecure"--which are all ones I was told I have.
Everyone should have the right to express their thoughts and opinions on this board without fear of repercussions. I hate to use the term that "I set myself up" when I post my own thoughts and opinions. However, for lack of another way to put it I will use if for now because I am in somewhat of a negative state of mind. I need to work on being more patient and tolerant of others having the right to post whatever they want even if they don't agree with me. That's alright and I have to believe that without taking their comments personally, getting offended, angry and having the need to defend my viewpoints and thinking.
My sobriety date is May 30, 2013. I came to this board on June 18, 2013. At first I was looking for help in staying sober. I received so much support and everyday since the first day I have been here and implemented it as a part of my sobriety program. I have been blessed with getting to know people like Mike D., Philipld, Stepchild, Pappy, and others who have supported me and helped me so much. I had trouble connecting much at all face-to-face with people in my meetings because of my fear of people and insecurity. The people on here have been my friends ad I am grateful. Over the months I started having the desire to give back to others and since I was so backward and shy in my meetings until not so long ago, I have tried to help newcomers on this board. I feel that as a recovering alcoholic I have the responsibility to other alcoholics and to do whatever I need to do to help them. I don't buy into what I have often heard in some of my meetings about "it doesn't matter if others drink". It does matter to me and I do care. I am not in a position to only care about me because I feel my Higher Power, who is God, really wants me to be concerned for others. However, I do realize that I need to pray harder than ever to remove my character defects and really learn what it means to "Live and Let Live" so that I can be effective in helping others and not feel the necessity to lash out in a virtual catfight like I did recently. Until I feel like I have that one down, I will refrain from further postings on this board, so that I don't feel the need to respond in a negative manner anymore.
I must say I am very disappointed in myself. I thought I was further along than this. I guess that "sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly" applies to me because it has been "slow". I sincerely apologize to anyone who may have been offended at anything I posted. Love you guys.
BTY aka Grace (and I fall short of my name, too :(
-- Edited by betterthanyesterday52 on Thursday 3rd of April 2014 08:50:22 AM
Hmmmm Grace - I have been praying for you this week especially and I have never read any of these 'sober quote for the day' posts but I was inclined to click on this one and offer thanks for your service regardless if I chose to look at it or not, it still helps AA, it offers AA a heartbeat every time someone offers themselves to recovery here.
And I also thought about how you might have been feeling this week, and knowing you, and all that you've over come, I knew you would find your way to this point eventually. Looking in and looking to the Higher Power that resides in your loving heart.
This is a spiritual moment amidst my spiritual awakening that has been the result of the steps. Your journey is beautiful, and it is yours. You own it. You seek growth and spiritual experiences and for every thing you've put in, you've gotten so much back. It's inspiring to watch - and brings such hope to AA's life and the heart of it.
In reading your post, I know that God is listening, and always with me. I know that if he is with me - He is with you. I know that I can trust Him to guide you as He see's fit, and practice humility in the opportunities He presents me... of backing off and letting Him be in charge: Having Faith.
My faith is strengthened today Grace, and I know that you and I meeting was no mistake. I know on a deeper level today that nothing happens in God's world by mistake.
Thank you Grace, for never giving up on you. I will never give up on me again either. Your God's gift to this Earth and I only pray I can honor Him by honoring you as best I am able. How I honor you, is by being the truth for you - being honest - being my true self is the truth - and in the truth I find God.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and selfpity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.
Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among ussometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them.
Just wanted to say that I went through a period of time in 'early sobriety' where I acted and spoke like a person with 10 years sobriety ... of course you can't do that without being sober that length of time, LOL ... not convincingly anyway ... it confuses a lot of issues ... I found it necessary to 'humble' myself enough to 'hear' what others in the meeting were saying, rather than thinking about what I was going to say when I got the chance ... this really made a big difference in me learning the AA program ... not sure this has anything to do with this post ... just a thought that came to mind is all ... (I felt I was 90 days sober going on 10 years, LOL)
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'