Ive been away sailing and out of range for a while which is why I haven't been around.
My travels have taken me to the port of Bluff, right at the bottom of the South Island of New Zealand, famous for its oysters, the best in the world. I don't buy them anymore. Much as I love them, they have just got too expensive.
Anyway, I went to the Bluff AA meeting last night and it was confirmed that AA in this part of the world is just about the most kind and generous you would find anywhere. At the end of the meeting a young man approached me and asked if I liked oysters, to which I replied in the affirmative.
He went off home and came back with fifty fresh orsters, caught that very day, and handed them to me. I was kind of reluctant to take such a gift, but he explained to me that each day as an oysterman, he is given 50 oysters for personal and family consumption. The rule is they must not be sold. In his drinking days he used to sell his alloted oysters in breach of the rule. Now he is sober, he considers that giving his allocation away freely makes amends for his past breach of the rules.