Hi everyone, I picked up a drink 2 months ago after 13 years soberiety.
What can I say, the old notion that I could control my drinking.
Now I am back on the AA road today, nothing major happened but the feelings inside me are the same as before AA, the pain is sore but AA will see through this.
((((((annaes)))))) So glad you are back and posted on here to let others know that this can happen to any of us and the main thing is to not give up on sobriety and AA like some alcoholics do when that happens. BTY
One of my best friends sponsor went back out to experiment ... HE did NOT make it back ... he died a short time later ... 'Cunning, Baffling, Powerful' ... We could all sit here and give hundreds of reasons(excuses) why this happens ... that, won't accomplish a thing ... the main thing is your back and working to get back on the right track ...
I too, came to realize I didn't have to go through that pain anymore unless, I myself, chose to do so ... there is indeed, a solution ... here in AA and it's program and principles ...
Love you and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Too many don't make it back....I'm glad you did. I always try and learn as much about this program as I can...I'm still very new at it. I've seen this happen and I like to ask what brought it about. I often hear "I stopped going to meetings." as a reason. But it has to be more than that...Meetings aren't the solution for me....Having taken the action of the first nine steps and living one day at a time in the last three steps is. Do you feel that not living in those last three steps had anything to do with it? I'm assuming you've worked the steps?
Aloha Annes...welcome back...that's strong and your HP must have real need for you in our program and where you are at...Ever think of starting a meeting where you are at? You know this works for us and for yourself. I'm sure we can support that effort should you choose. ((((hug))))
In keeping with the note of caution others have added, it's never a given that someone will make it back from a relapse, many don't.
I'm very gald you made it back Annie, and like gonee hinted above, your relapse can be a very powerful tool in your recovery kit, and in your ability to help others.
So often I have seen someone announce they have slipped and are now back (and we are all very pleased) but all we learn is the falsehood that it is possible to go out and come back, which is often not the case. Sister Ignatia noticed this way back in the the beginning. Newcomers were influenced by slippers to the extent that they were more inclined to slip if they saw that someone else had got away with it.
It is important to have a look for the reason, and the book is full of helpful suggestions. The usual things are hanging on to the delusion that we can drink like others, not completing our housecleaning, refusing to make amends, refusing to help others. The first was the route cause of my relapses and always gave me the reason I needed not to do the other work.
I suggest you study the Big Book and see if you can figure out what you missed. I once heard someone say they refused to make amends and ended up drunk, then they made their amends and stayed sober. When I heard that, I made sure of my amends - that persons relapse helped me to recover.