"The soul always know what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind."
Caroline Myss
I used to blame other people for my problems. It wasn't until I stop drinking that I realized that my thinking was my biggest problem and my thinking was causing so many of my problems. It has and still is very hard stopping all the negative thoughts which flood my mind. I am learning to question those thoughts and challenge them now. There is a quotation by Edgar Allen Poe, "Believe half of what you see and nothing what you hear." I always thought that the "what you hear" part of that was referring to gossip. I am starting to not believe so much of what my mind is "telling" me and treating it as though it is one of the biggest "gossips" I have ever dealt with in my life. It tells me untruths about myself (I'm a loser, I look like cra*, I will never amount to anything, etc.), and others (people dislike me, such and such is talking about me and staring at me--(that is the "what you see" part of the quote, to me). I don't have time to be preoccupied and worry if others are gossiping or thinking bad things about me anymore. I have so many falsehoods I've been telling myself for years. My warped thinking has caused me to want to drink so many times. It took getting sober and being a part of AA before I realized this.