Does anyone agree that maybe it would be better for society to require a doctor's prescription to purchase alcohol. Or would this take us back to the bootleg era again. And likewise, the government would lose a big chunk of taxation. What's your take on this ?
Ricky61 - Once you're a pickle, ya can't go back to being a cucumber.
I don't see that ever happening in my lifetime anyway. Your posting reminds me of when I was required to take classes when I got my DUI. One attendee mentioned that if alcohol was made illegal none of us would be in there. The "teacher" of the class (who was about my daughter's age) said, "Just because you guys are a bunch of idiots and don't know how to drink, why should it be illegal for the rest of us who know how to drink?"
Talk about a smack in the face.
Does anyone agree that maybe it would be better for society to require a doctor's prescription to purchase alcohol. Or would this take us back to the bootleg era again. And likewise, the government would lose a big chunk of taxation. What's your take on this ?
I don't think it possible to legislate ourselves into the perfect society ... think about it, if one could not go get their desired amount of alcohol from the local stores, what's to keep them from grabbing a bottle of cough medicine or a couple bottles of mouthwash, or anything else that has alcohol in it ??? ... then the backlash of this type legislation would only serve to create chaos more than solve any drinking problem that we have ...
Seriously, why not make 'grapes' by prescription only? ... one could take them home, crush them, ferment them, and make their own stuff if they were insane enough ... ... ... i'm just say'n ... making a law that everyone has to follow doesn't solve the problem ... hell, it's illegal to kill ... yet people do it every frick'n day ...
We need to leave (especially) the government out of 'recovery' ... they've screwed everything else up ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
When stuff is made illegal it resorts to all kinds of "other problems." Looking at marijuana there are 2 sides to that coin. In places where it is illegal, people have started smoking "spice" which is way more toxic and dangerous but legal. So yeah, I think it would be trading 1 set of problems for 20 more.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
I agree with stepchild. The vast majority of people have no problem controlling and enjoying their drinking. It would be like a few people with an allergy to strawberries asking for legislation about the sales of strawberries that would apply to everyone. Besides, it's an outside issue that really has nothing to do with AA, and AA has no opinion on outside issues.
I authored a legislative proposal in 84 in Ca. which I also introduce in Hi. in 96. It's gotten raves and promises and nothing more than that. Politicians actually do tons of lip service and not much else regarding this. Focus is "If you have problems with drugs and alcohol you get a different ID than folks that don't. When you attempt to buy with that don't get sold...anywhere. If you do get sold the seller looses their license to sell. Alcohol will be kept within the limits of a person educated and licensed to sell alcohol where ever that is. Manufacturing, Distribution and Sales have to have the same education regarding physiology, psycology, and more on alcohol and the human being. Everyone is on the same level. Those that don't have a problem, don't have a problem. Those who do have a problem with drugs and alcohol have more work to do. Still they (the policy makers...politicians...) ain't doing it. Damage is extensive and we will never amortize the debt that it is costing us. back to step one.
Regulation has such a history of failure, I'm surprised anyone over 10 years old would even suggest it.
I don't know what else to say. Alcohol prohibition created the network of organized crime that still exists today. Drug prohibition has made some of the worst people in the world filthy rich and continues to do so. I imagine if an enterprising politician were to sweep into office on the notion of legalizing cocaine, marijuana, heroin etc. across the board, he'd be assassinated. Not by prohibitionists but by the drug lords he'd put out of business.
Must we be condemned to repeat history yet again? The war on drugs is lost, it never had a chance.