The secret of success is constancy of purpose. --Benjamin Disraeli
In Twelve Step meetings, we don't talk about counseling, treatment centers, or non-program reading. Many of us have been helped in these ways, but we shouldn't confuse them with Twelve Step programs.
We must keep our Twelve Step programs pure. Certainly, we should use these sources if they help us, but not in our program meetings. There, we must stick to the basics that have helped addicts recover all over the world for many years. Steps, traditions, meetings, and sponsorship these things work, no matter what else is in style.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, let me be there to help an addict in need by sharing my Twelve Step program.
Action for the Day
I will help out today by being a sponsor or by calling a new group member just to say hello.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'