Demi Lovato wrote the following expanded tweet: "I wish more people would lose the stigma and treat addiction as the deadly and serious DISEASE that it is. Drugs are not something to glamorize in pop music or film to portray as harmless recreational fun. It's not cute, "cool" or admire able. It's very rare when people can actually predict their addiction and even then, you never know when too much is going to take their life or take a bad batch of whatever it is their using. It's time people start really taking action on changing what we're actually singing/rapping about these days because you never know if you could be glamorizing a certain drug to a first time user or alcoholic who could possibly end up dead because they end up suffering from the same deadly disease so many have already died from. This stuff is not something to mess with. Why risk it? Addiction IS a disease. Please spread the word so we can take the taboo out of discussing this illness and raising awareness to people of all ages. RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman.. An INCREDIBLE artist who lost his life to this horrible disease.. May you rest peacefully and in complete serenity now that your pain is gone. God Bless..."
Philip Seymour Hoffman was a brilliant, talented man. The news this morning is shocking and sad. My heart goes out to his loved ones.
-- Edited by justadrunk on Sunday 2nd of February 2014 07:04:46 PM
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
This made me think ... even though we have our own addictions, we are still loved by someone, even if it's only God (whether currently in 'recovery' or not ...)... ... ... and when we 'expire', we will be missed in some way ... some of us by many perhaps, and some of us by few, if any ... I just pray my 'tombstone' doesn't read ... "Here lies a Drunk ... He tried to stay sober but just couldn't" ...
Reminds me of that country song ... 'he put that bottle to his lips and pulled the trigger' ... ... ... oh man, ... who sang that ??? ... duet I think ... name of the song ??? ... oh ... I think it was 'Whisky Lullaby' or somp'n ? ... now I gotta try to find it ... and it always makes me misty eyed for the waste of what could have been ... Thanks Tash
Seriously, thanks for the 'wake-up' call ... after all, it IS life or death for us ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Yep, That's the one ... ... ... I see, or feel, too much connection to that song ... and it makes me feel 'very sad' for those who never make it to our 'open doors' ... or simply don't stick around long enough for the miracle to happen in their lives ... (this is a hard issue for me to 'turn over' to the Man upstairs ... all I can pray for, is the words and actions that may lead someone to our recovery program and principles ...) ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
That makes me sad too, Pappy, when people stop coming to meetings I truly worry about them. And I see people who live around me pouring the stuff down and I just hope and pray they don't end up alcoholics and if they are, that they get help, too.
You know, I cannot hardly listen to country music anymore....used to love it and was even learning how to play the guitar (mostly when I was drunk and thought I could play it anyway). So many of those songs have drinking in them, and it makes me sad and depressed. Same way with walking through the wine/beer aisles at the grocery store--I just can't.
Someone's little signature at the bottom of their messages said "It will all be okay in the end, and if it's not okay, it's not the end yet". I liked that. I got to believe that HP has us where He needs us, and I'm one of the graced. I can stay grateful - be useful to HP in that manner - and remember that morbid reflection is a character defect and turn what I can't handle to a HP remembering always that - but for the grace of God, there go I, which sends me soaring back into the usefulness of gratitude. Then I am a worker for HP again.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Okay Tash, ... I have to post this now cause it seems to fit what you just shared ... this past weekend, my wife got together with 'the girls', and went shop'n for stuff to decorate our new home ... they looked to me like a group of old hens cackling about, LOL ... anyway, they returned with a lot of work for me put'n things on the walls and moving this and that to get everything looking like they wanted ... I must have drilled a dozen new hole for anchors and pounded in another 1/2 dozen nails for pics ...
Anyway, they got a framed piece of artwork to go over the fireplace mantle, that reads as follows:
"The Will of God will never take you to where the Grace of God will not protect you."
I was kind of misty eyed the whole time I was hanging it ... the impact on me was just so REAL ... ... ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'