Ran into a snag with this quote the other day at a speaker mtg. Long and short, three individuals were talking throughout the mtg (2 guys fighting over the attention of a girl - and her lapping up the attention), thus being disrespectful to the speakers as well as other attendees. Neither the Secretary nor the Chair said anything to them before or afterwards about their behavior, so I opted to. I used a 'non-aggressive' approach with all three, but I wasn't left with the impression my comments registered - in-fact with one of the guys I thought it was going to get confrontational, given that he didn't like his attitude pointed out afterwards.
Fortunately the Speaker or Chair of the mtg was still on-site, so I spoke with him after speaking with the three disruptive ones. I asked him why he didn't step up and say anything to them during the mtg, and was given "Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern." as an answer. Well, I didn't push it with him either as his voice was getting louder during our conversation, and I could tell he didn't really want to address an issue of this nature. SO... I guess this means that I should just drop this mtg (It's a young persons group anyway - and I'm 40yrs old), as it's free for people to misbehave within.
All that said, I'm curious if anyone else has encountered a situation of this nature - and how they addressed it? I recognize that Alcohol can play a factor with ones common sense over time, and I might be willing to cut some reprieve there. It's just the aggressiveness of some people at these mtgs - and the selfish attitudes that can accompany that behavior. I/E: Their view of "It's all about ME!!"
We also go with Philip's take and have a "no cross talk" statement...wanna talk to someone else while the meeting is going on?...go outside. Keep it simple. If this is your home group get to the business meeting and speak up.
Phill/Jerry, thanks for your answers. This is not my homegroup, so I guess I'll just have to assume that the speaker knows the maturity level of the attendees in this group prior to speaking, and thus, He/She should be prepared to expect a degree of 'daycare like' behavior from some members.
That said, if I ever attend that mtg again, I'll just have to expect and accept that people will misbehave. Ces la vie...