I still cannot get over this. If you are a resident of Colorado you can buy an ounce, if a non-resident you can buy a quarter of an ounce. Isn't this a drug? I have heard shares in meetings where people say they relapsed by smoking pot--not alcohol--and go up and get another white chip in an AA meeting. Very confusing to me. I don't smoke the stuff but just curious how this will affect alcoholics who live in places where it is alright now to smoke it and if this will have any affect on their ability to stay sober.
Your expression is growing - you are taking more time to focus on yourself - you are growing - you are getting more comfortable and relaxed and it's inspiring to watch.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
I had some negative thoughts around this since I heard the news. I don't know all the details, and won't pretend too. But, for me the initals thoughts weren't good. My first thought was, if it becomes legal, must be o.k. to do? If they're legalizing it, must not be that bad for you? It's for recreation use, not a bad idea to use it recreationally? Once I poked through the initial thoughts, I saw it for what it was and what it meant to me. I'm an addict. Being an Alcoholic means to me I'm addicted to Alcohol. Being an addict, I'm addicted to any mind altering chemicals. Smoking pot= drink for me. I've tried it. It brought me back into the cycle of addiction. Muscles relaxtants, pain killers did the same thing. I use these substances compulsively. That's the allergy for me. Just my thoughts..........
Alcohol has been legal for some time now ... ... ... what's the difference is my question ... pot -vs- alcohol ??? ... they're both easy to 'overdo' ... ... ... and the results are similar ...
NOTE: It is legal to buy and smoke 'pot' in Colorado, BUT, it IS still a 'FEDERAL' offense ... ... ... how do they get away with it ??? the 'feds' said they didn't want to stir the 'pot' ... LMAO at myself again ... ... ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I was a pot head for years and know people who have not drank for 12+ years but smoke pot. They too have a bi-polar diagnosis and or are homeless and or watch t.v don't leave the house. The people I know also stopped going to meetings because too many people were "giving them crap" over this.
I'm only bi-polar when I put chemicals in my body to tip the emotional scales in my favor. It works for a short while then the scales seem to tilt back and forth like my serotonin and dopamine are playing teeter-totter with the scales of truth in my head. It is not right to cheat the system. I used to claim it was spiritual and helped me connect until someone called it an illegal hook-up. Then I lost that excuse.
They didn't need medication until they could get a card then they needed medication hell they weren't sick until this just pot heads.
I think it's the same as alcohol probably not as harmful because pot heads are too lazy to get off the couch but the new stuff they have out is so refined it can make you crazy, just not too active.
They are isolated except for other pot heads. It ends up the same delusional state of being. I hope they tax it. I don't care what others do but if youre going to sell it tax it get some good for everyone out of this.
We all drank and know how to do that. It's living sober that I am learning about.
I'm all for medication when needed. I think alcoholics who are untreated are told we have a chemical imbalance when until you get off the alcohol how do you know?
If you are not sick till you have a bong in hand you might want to look at it.
Chemical imbalances are serious and need a doctors care. My thing with weed is how many bong tokes prescribed none I had my card it was not a prescription it was permission.
I'm glad your taking care of your self!
We all drank and know how to do that. It's living sober that I am learning about.
Mind and mood altering caused by chemical imbalance. My body produces chemicals which result in mind and mood altering. I won't and don't supplement the natural stuff anymore...I say..."No thanks...I've had enough" and then move on. Legal didn't mean that it was good for me even when I celebrated "being old enough". Have a great clean and sober New Years. (((hugs)))
saw a documentary on TV last night. pot use in young people in Colorado is out of control. doesn't seem like legalizing it is helpin.
IMO, theres a difference between it being allright to smoke and legal. I didn't care if it was legal or not but I rationalized that it was allright. its not addictive!! well, according to some people it isn't addictive as theres no withdrawl symptoms.but it has been the gateway drug for many, leading into more serious problems.
it will only effect alcoholics in AA IF they aren't working the program.
I was a pot head for years. It is addictive. I used to get stuff that would practically make you hallucinate it was so good. I'm in California though. I know people on pain medicin and they have things that don't affect your emotions the way pot does. Pot hits the emotions not just the mind.
Proven fact is that weed only works on a few kinds of pain. It has some medicinal qualities but you can't take a few hits with out getting stoned. They have proven in enough pain morphine does not effect the emotions or mind. It works on diffrent area's of the brain.
People are gonna do what they do but again that perscription never says one hit an hour it just says smoke this stuff. It's not real science and if you have ever been to a medicinal medical shop medicine that's called Yoda's Brain is far from medicine. How about Batman that's some good stuff how does that affect someone's back pain..... well when you don't move you have less of a chance of straining something.
We all drank and know how to do that. It's living sober that I am learning about.
I had been dry a few months, but very unhappy (spiritual malady, no AA). Took a toke at the well intentioned suggestion of friends, a drink was down my neck in seconds, result, two year slip. Alcohol was my drug of no choice, other drugs I could choose to leave alone, but that near fatal toke intsantly made me feel I could drink safely. I could not.
My feeling is that legalising dope, like the over prescription of anti depressants, is all about the latest political fad " harm reduction or harm minimization" ... keep them stoned/drugged up and they might not have much of a life, but it's better than being an out of control drunk, (if it works of course). I'm not talking about pain or serious mental illness other than alcoholism.
The principle seems to be the medical/psychological idea that you have the patient aim for a realistic and achievable goal, such as just not drinking, or reducing consumption. They are assisted with medication to reduce symptoms (of sobriety). Aim low, and you have more chance of success, is the theory, but success of that type looks pretty second rate to me.
Contrast that with AAs program of recovery which talks of rocketing into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed... quite different to a second best doped up existence... but a price has to be paid, the destruction of selfcentredness...
And of course much is made of the non-addictive nature of dope and modern anti depressants. But then again alcohol is non addictive, to most people. Consider, is the alcoholic chemically addicted to the substance or the feeling that goes with it? If it's the feeling, then surely any other substance that can create the feeling is pretty risky.