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Post Info TOPIC: Face to Face or Online?

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Face to Face or Online?

Which do you feel is best for you?

i like face to face I think.

 Forum discussions feel like a coffee shop chat.   Kinda like the meeting after the meeting.  

There is a bit more of the Take what you like and leave the rest here.  Not just on shares but your actual program of sobriety.

I think that works for some, but not real alcoholics As described in the Big Book.

But the do it your way approach is the belief of the moderators here.  Another member shared some of the content of emails "correcting" his ideas.  The concern is more on not offending newcomers than keeping old timers from a more conservative era.   That is cool.  This is a forum discussion not a meeting.  

So I am going back to normal meetings, and not online arguing about getting sober in Alanon or other silliness!  

Best wishes to all seekers.  Your sobriety will take your own effort.  Please read your big book and work the steps.  Finding your higher power is a key part of the big book.  it really does work.  I was a hopeless train wreck and am a few months from my 19 year chip.  Did it by the book.

There is one who has all power, may you find him now.




 "I spent a lifetime in hell and it only took me twelve steps to get to heaven." 

"Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you."

MIP Old Timer

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Going to meetings.

online is ok , but for me it Has to be Meetings .

if I think I am going to too many meetings I can allways go to two more.



@ 37 I was too young & good looking to be an alkie.

still too young , still got th good looks. still n alkie.

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F2F is a must for me.
but I supplement with online.


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On-line recovery is like on-line sex .... just not quite like the F2F kind.

I didn't get "virtually" drunk and I couldn't get virtually sober.


I'm with tomsteve.

All the best.

Bob R

-- Edited by 2granddaughters on Friday 27th of December 2013 08:27:20 AM


Close friend of Bill W. since 1989


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Sober Strummer...
Are you leaving this board? I will truly miss you as I think that you have offered so much to me with your postings in the way of staying sober. From my perspective (the only one I really know, and sometimes I am not even sure of what my perspective is....) although I enjoy the meetings in my area, there has been a trust issue from something that happened early on. I have found that with this board, I have not been asked nosy questions and have not heard the gossip as in the meetings. I am still an introvert and stay very guarded in the meetings. This board has helped me so much be more open about my alcoholism. I am very grateful for the face to face meetings, but I am especially grateful to you and others on this board who have taken so much time to help newcomers like me stay sober one day at a time.
I have found your postings very insightful and helpful and I don't think I speak for myself when I say you will be missed.
And I am one of the ones who received messages correcting me about a post and although it bothered me at first, as I posted, I really needed to be told what I was told and it was for my own good.
Anyway, take care and thanks so much for contributing to this board. 19 years sober (in a few months as you said) is great and I intend on staying sober the way you and others the Big Book way of working the steps and trusting in my HP to guide me.


MIP Old Timer

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This is only a supplement. For this type of AA interchange, "take what you want and leave the rest" may be more important. It is a forum and not a meeting or step group.

Definition of Forum: an occasion or a place for talking about a matter of public interest. - In this case our common interest is AA and staying sober

The is a place I think to learn about each other and to share your experiences with the program and your growth. Maybe it can be a place to learn "about" the program. But that should really be done face to face and with a sponsor. I don't think this should be anybody's primary AA experience. Go to meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps with them.

I came to this board when I had 60 days sober and now have 5 years and 60 days. So, I've been a newcomer here and not a not-so newcomer. I got just what I needed and expected here. It is necessarily like an open discussion meeting. Many folks in AA "hate that" and go to step meetings and such just to avoid that vibe. Some folks here start BB threads and step threads and that is great too....we do need folks to steer us back at times to the literature and what is written....if done in a respectful way. It's program of attraction right? Not a program of "You are an idiot if you can't just read some simple instructions in a book." If a person comes here and does that. Well, I think your topic is spot on. They need more face to face meetings and work with their sponsor and actually participating IN AA rather than preaching what they don't have on a message board.

Said member was never "corrected" so much as given other perspectives. All being unanimous that he needed to work on his own crap more than spouting to others. I've gotten those messages at times here too when I was off track. I'm not perfect. When 5 people all tell me the same thing in AA, I usually try to absorb it and listen and see how it applies to me rather than seeking one person to align with me about how those 5 folks that all sent me a message that I didn't like was wrong.

I came to AA to change. Not be argumentative and stay the same. I can take feedback and have. I'm here to grow also... This stuff happens here and if a person can't be amenable to that: Stick with meetings where nobody will ever challenge you cuz cross talk which occurs on this board does not really occur as much in meetings.

Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!

MIP Old Timer

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I also think they way you share and post your ESH has been invaluable SS. There's a giant difference between the way you go about things to attract others to your message when you do it with 19 years experience and a sober life that you let us into as a result of all your work.

Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!

MIP Old Timer

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pinkchip posted...
"Said member was never "corrected" so much as given other perspectives. All being unanimous that he needed to work on his own crap more than spouting to others. I've gotten those messages at times here too when I was off track."
I am not sure if I am the member you are referring to or not, pc, but since I did mention me and say that I was corrected wanted to "correct" myself for that and say that "suggested to me" would have been a better word to use. Since I think I am pretty good about reading all of the postings and I don't know about any besides the one I posted about this. And hey, while we are on this subject, can you and other moderators see PM's members sent to one another? Not that I am going to ever put anything lasciviously wicked in one of them, would just like to know. (If this has nothing to do with me, please forgive the post and I know it's not supposed to be "all about me" but right now it is, cause I haven't worked the steps that get me to the point where it isn't yet. :)


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The On-line forum is a supplement for me.  It's a convienent way to post and read others E,S & H.  To discuss topics and ask questions to gain clarity and perspective.  All good stuff.  But, Face to Face meetings is a must for this Alcoholic. 


MIP Old Timer

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PMs are private though obviously some folks are copying and pasting them and sharing them with others.

Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!

MIP Old Timer

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pinkchip wrote:

PMs are private though obviously some folks are copying and pasting them and sharing them with others.

 Well, that's a real shame. Kind of like a sponsor divulging info about a sponsee. Shoots that "private" part all to he**.


MIP Old Timer

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It's also possible this has to do with something I am completely ignorant of that doesn't involve me. In which case, I have made an ass of myself lol. Would not be the first time.

Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!

MIP Old Timer

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I think if a person is frustrated with the online forum format and the way this board is run, it then it is probably for the best to return to exclusively F2F meetings. Take care, SS.


MIP Old Timer

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Just Do...What I DO...

If I get a resentment?

I take them out behind the barn...and Shoot Em..


I forgive them....

Works for Me!!

Could I have all of your addresses..Please?




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"It is a historical fact that practically all groupings of men and women tend to become more dogmatic; their beliefs and practices harden and sometimes freeze. This is a natural and almost inevitable process. But dogma also has its liabilities. Simply because we have convictions that work well for us, it becomes very easy to assume that we all have the truth. This isn't good dogma; it's very bad dogma. It could be especially destructive for us of A.A. to indulge in this sort of thing."-Bill Wilson

-- Edited by AlcoHater on Friday 27th of December 2013 01:38:36 PM


MIP Old Timer

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Good one, Alcohater!


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"It would be a matter of false pride to assume that A.A. is a cure-all, even for alcoholism."-from "As Bill Sees It", pg. 285


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"Most strongly we point out that adherence to these principles is not a condition of A.A. membership. Any alcoholic who admits he has a problem is an A.A. member regardless of how much he disagrees with the program. Based upon OUR EXPERIENCE, the whole program is a suggestion only"-Bill Wilson (brought to you by AlcoHater, a real alcoholic who prefers online to face-to-face.)


MIP Old Timer

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Another reason I like online is you guys can't see me cry when I share some things--although I just tell you about it anyway 


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My former sponsor told me to "Find and use whatever is available to help me gain and maintain my sobriety" and among other things I was first taught when I first found the doors of recovery was, "If you keep and open will find help". Open mindedness is necessary to learning newer and different approaches to needs what ever it is and so open mindedness is a must for me even when I encounter others with close mindedness.  When I do encounter close mindedness I reflect on the first half of the first step, "We admitted we were powerless..." and then I "let go and let God".  Another of my sponsors cautioned me to "never attempt to limit the power of God", and so for me, which ever way God uses to keep you on the journey and in the hunt for your sobriety it's none of my business because obviously God hasn't tried to contact me for my opinion.   Face to Face meetings and Online forums keep me closer to my sobriety than just one of the other only.   Thanks for letting me share.   (((hugs))) smile


MIP Old Timer

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Wonderful share, Jerry!


MIP Old Timer

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Excellent Alcohater - you never fail to amaze me. I just came here to share that I know that for me, I couldn't come here and be here (virtual) only - and stay sober in the beginning. I have always preferred this however. Even though I love the people in the rooms - I have many of the same feelings as BTY. There gets to be a lot of high school popularity contest BS = ego stroking - and gossip. I stay out of it. That means I go to fewer meetings. I wouldn't EVER recommend this (virtual only) to someone who hasn't done the steps - nor would I say that AA is nothing BUT these things. It's just humans in a group together - no different than anywhere. No where is everyone going to be perfect.

This is a small town in up north Wisconsin. I don't think what we have here is anything like the bigger cities... at least I'm hoping not. Not sure what my life would look like today without this supplement.... I've been here since day one. I can guess though.

I'm thinking this recovery family saved my life - and it was part of God's grace to me.

It was coming SS - no surprises for me. You'll be missed while you're gone - and always welcomed back with open arms. The light is always on.

Tomorrow is a fresh start.


Thanks for everything.  Peace and Love on your journey.  

MIP Old Timer

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Great words Jerry - Thanks! (((GRACE))))


Thanks for everything.  Peace and Love on your journey.  

MIP Old Timer

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justadrunk wrote:

 "This is a small town in up north Wisconsin. I don't think what we have here is anything like the bigger cities... at least I'm hoping not. Not sure what my life would look like today without this supplement.... I've been here since day one. I can guess though."

(Sorry to dash your hopes, jad, but I grew up in a small town and now live in a big city and this reminds me of back home. I go to meetings, do service work as much as possible, am as nice as I can be, and enjoy talking to newcomers and some other people who consistently have shown me they care about me and realize we aren't in grade school anymore.  Maybe this is petty of me but I won't force myself on people I feel don't care for me. And I really do care about everyone in the rooms. I miss people when they stop coming to meetings, no matter what I think they think of me. I would hate for any of them, as well as people on this board who disappear, to start drinking again. However, my ego is pretty fragile right now and I have to protect myself from wanting to drink again.

(jad wrote: "I'm thinking this recovery family saved my life - and it was part of God's grace to me."

(I feel the same....I have on a couple of occasions started to quit going to meetings, started to quit coming here and I know that I would have started drinking again. I have learned to take what I can use and leave the rest. I come to this board and you guys on here have helped open my mind. It is because of you and my HP that I have been able to keep going to meetings. You all have shown me in posts to others, as well as myself, that I have to "be willing to do whatever it takes to stay sober" For me, I am trying to learn that getting over myself and my ego is one of the biggest things I have to do and I have to let go of my fears. I didn't learn this in my meetings I learned it here because like I said, I haven't been able to be open at meetings like I have here and God Bless you all for being upfront with me and caring enough about me to do so.) 



MIP Old Timer

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Love all the sharing here ... F2F is where the real recovery seed is sown, in my book ... it is only there one can actually SEE the miracles discussed in the BB ... and for most alcoholics that I know, "Seeing IS believing" ... ... ...

And Phil ??? about the only place I don't carry my gun on me is in the meeting rooms ... so if we ever run into each other behind the barn, uh, uh, .... ... ... let's just try to be friends ... LOL ...your post had me LMAO ... good one man, even if nobody else caught on ...


'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'


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"But the do it your way approach is the belief of the moderators here"...

I would be a bit curious about where this is coming from? I don't believe its a fair or truthful statement. Is it being suggested that because we don't try to bull dose people into doing what they are not ready or yet willing to do, or doing what we think they should, we have a right and obligation to belittle, devalue or degrade their efforts to find their own path into the rooms and the 12 step recovery process, just as each of us had the ability to do when we became willing and motivated by despairation? Do we hold the right to take the small bit of shining hope they might find here as a part of their "getting ready process", and turn that light out on them by badgering them with our grand ideas about what is right and wrong?

I go to 3-5 mtgs a week f2f. Thats MY preferrence. I went to online mtgs to subliment my recovery during 3 yrs of major surgery's. In fact, thats how MIP got its start. Back, lung and brain surgery back to back, 1999, 2000, 2001. During that 3 yrs. I stayed sober, worked the 12 steps twice , and this forum gave me abundant opportunity to work with other alcoholics, do service work of setting things up, chairing meetings online, ect. I stand solidly in the belief that promoting AA, opposed to making it an attractive proposition without all the ego based grandiousity, is likely to send more people away from AA than encourage them to partake in what AA has to offer. Being willing to meet someone where they are at and letting them have room to grow into the H.O.W. is much more likely to have a lasting impact because they are allowed to make the vital decisions for themselves opposed to being pushed into them through some unspiritual form of degregation and belittlement.

My two cents worth...




MIP Old Timer

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John, I would be dead without MIP I'm sure. God works in the virtual world too :) There is one who has all power. I found Him here. Thanks.


Thanks for everything.  Peace and Love on your journey.  

MIP Old Timer

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Yep. Pretty sure I did it the AA way having done the 90 in 90, always doing service, had a sponsor, did the steps. If it was "my way" I guess I could have skipped those thousands of meetings, step work, calling sponsor daily, chairing meetings, being secretary of my home group, general service rep, and going to multiple AA conferences. I guess I could just hang back and lecture folks about the book OR actually do my best to live it. I am FAR from perfect and not the AA poster boy but I did NOT do this willie nilly and "my own way." Far from it. It's offensive to suggest that as AA has been the saving grace of my life and I don't think I have ever put as much energy into anything else in my life. That is the view of this moderator thank you very much.

Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!

MIP Old Timer

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Tremendously wonderful and powerful post, John, and God Bless You for starting this site. I have found that I react better hearing people say things like "What worked for me...." instead of "This is what you need to do, and you are an idiot if you don't" is much more effective in helping me.
I appreciate you and your efforts in helping to save lives and you did it when you were going through so many things other than your alcoholism.
Thank you.

(and phil...your post just scares me...glad you made Pappy laugh, though..


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Face to face or me. This site and others I use when my job requires me to spend to much time at work. It's nice to have my Big Book, 12 & 12, 24 hour a day book, and to be able to reach out all over the world with the phone in my pocket. It beats alway carrying dimes and depending on a payphone.

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